Thursday, August 22, 2013

#OCD - Obsessed with Christmas Disorder

I was called out a few days ago for not writing on my blog very much anymore [Thanks Uncle Ray]. But to be quite honest I haven't been inspired to write about anything interesting lately. So I've decided to do what I always do when I have nothing to say. I'll make a list!

I know. I'm so original and exciting. Blah blah. It's happening whether you want it or not. Here's today's list - partially inspired by the fact that I will be turning 22 [also known as over the freeking hill] in less than 2 weeks.

Rye's top 21 ways to stay [appear] 21 forever

1. Just tell people you're 21 whenever they ask you how old you are.

2. Burn your driver's license.

3. Wear a wardrobe exclusively from Forever 21.

4. Botox.

5. Buy a boa constrictor - pets keep you young.

6. Nap often.

7. Act like you know everything.

8. Believe in Santa Claus.

9. Cry for your mommy. Often.

10. Moisturize.

11. Celebrate your birthday in Vegas.

12. Wrap everything in bacon.

13. Dress as a penguin every other Tuesday.

14. Watch all of the shows on Disney Channel.

15. Ride a unicorn. Everywhere.

16. Go to clubs.

17. Be emotionally unavailable.

18. Post everything you do on the internet because the world can't live without knowing what is happening in your life every 20 minutes.

19. Get a symbolic tattoo representing how you are independent and know everything.

20. Carry a latte with you everywhere.

21. Paint your nails. Post pictures of your painted nails holding the nail polish bottle. With a filter.

There you go. Fool proof.

*note: there is absolutely no science behind any of these things that I just wrote. They are strictly opinions of myself.