Monday, October 31, 2011

#Grade 7 Science

Problem: Is the fact that Rye spends most of her time watching nature documentaries affecting how long it takes her to get her homework done?

Hypothesis: If the time spent watching nature documentaries directly affects the completion of Rye's homework then Rye's homework will be completed in a more timely fashion if she stops watching so many documentaries.

- Nature Docmentaries (Wild China - BBC)
- Homework (written assignment's for clinical)
- Laptop


Independent - amount of time watching nature documentaries

Dependent - amount of time it takes to complete homework

Controlled - amount of homework to complete


1. Watch nature documentary for X amount of time.
2. Complete half of homework.
3. Record time results.
4. Watch nature documentary for 1/2 the amount of time in step 1.
5. Complete second half of homework.
6. Record time results.

Results: It took the same amount of time to complete both halves of homework. Rye found other ways to be distracted for the second half of homework completion (ex: writing a lab report about nature documentaries and doing homework)

Conclusion: Does the amount of time Rye spends watching nature documentaries affect the amount of homework done in a specified time period? The watching of nature documentaries is not directly related to the completion of Rye's homework. The fact that she likes to dick around, that she went to Bishop Carroll and perfected the art of procrastination, and that finds literally any excuse not to do work is the reason it takes her so long to do homework. The End.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

#364 days a year....

......I am myself.

And lately I've been dreaming of an escape. Just a temporary one.

Escape from my reality.

364 days a year I am myself.

But for tonight, the opportunities are endless.

The choices are infinite.

Tonight I can be anything I want.

Tonight I'm going to a sweet party.

Tonight I'm going to an awesome show.

Tonight I get to be someone who is not me. Just for a little while.

I get to check my life, my problems, my stresses, and my anxieties, with my coat.

Tonight I am a lost boy.

And tonight....we dance.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

#Just Another Thursday

3331 words of misery.

First Zumba class ever.


David Attenborough narrating my life. But mostly nature movies.

New Community. Old Community.

More wine.

Possibly tequila?...yes.

Fatty Pizza.

Fattier Ice cream.

Sick boys licking their lips.

Sister wives.

Yeaaaahh, boy. Thursday is the new Friday.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

#Color Wonder

I love to colour.

More than the average person, I suspect.

Well, the average person with an age that has 2 digits, anyway.

I just love it.

I could colour my life away.

Because colours are like music to my eyes. It never ceases to amaze me how much satisfaction I feel when I colour a picture really pretty.

Sometimes I wonder if that's how God feel's when He finishes one of His masterpieces.

Sometimes I also wonder if God threw me together and looked at me sideways then said "Well, that'll do."

Because sometimes I do that with pictures I colour.

Just kidding. About the God part.

Green is my favourite colour. When I think of green I think of life.

Pink is my second favourite colour. When I think of pink I think "Yeah, I know it's a chick colour. And I'm a chick so OBVIOUSLY I would like it. Duh. Stop judging me. Maybe you should worry about your own favourite colours rather than my second favourite colour, thank you very much."

Then blue. Like the sky, and the ocean, and bubblegum ice cream. Which is actually pretty nasty, but whatever.

Then white. Which is NOT the absence of colour. Black is the absence of colour. In my humble opinion, anyway. Which means white is the opposite of that, meaning white is EVERY COLOUR! Yep. Think about that for a second or two.

On the topic of black have you ever checked out blackle? It's like google but black! And it saves energy because it's NO COLOUR instead of EVERY COLOUR.

I also like yellow. It's sunshiny, and reminds me of my Asian self.

And red, because even though Asian's are yellow, red is "the" Asian colour.

Orange is pretty rad. I always tell people not to munch on me because I'm not a carrot. Carrots are orange. Orange = awesome.

Purple is probably one of my least favourite colours. I feel like it represents nothing.

I live in a purple room, by the way.

Anyway, I feel like I should finish writing that stupid long paper instead of this post. Or maybe I'll just go

*having a picture in black and white emphasizes the colour in the rest of this post I think.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

#Frog Legs

So I found this super awesome picture that is now the background to my computer.

Because sometimes life gives you situations and objects that seem to be holding you back.

But you have to roll with it, and use it to push you forward.

Basically this is a blahblahbepositiveblah post.

Boring. Awesome.

Change of pace for a second maybe?

This frog is see through and you can see it's organs!!

That is a real alive frog, people!

Eeps. Between this guy, and the teeny frogs on the reptiles episode of BBC life, froggies are fast becoming my favourite animals.

I feel like I can really relate to them.

They also look gross and slimy like me when I don't shower! And have big eyes on the side of their heads except mine a slightly more centred and Asian. And they have long sticky tongues, like me!! And they have webbed feet, which I do not, but I think it would be super cool!

Anyway, back to things that are not frogs, here's the quote and the picture I was talking about earlier. 

"If we see the exact same event from a different perspective we will see an entirely different event.

We can not control the wind.

But we CAN control our sail as it catches the wind.

Learn to set the sails of your perspective and use the winds to move your forward, forward to your goal."

Thank you picture, for making me realize this 3000 word essay is not holding me back from sleep, a social life and happiness; it is merely teaching me that I should learn my lesson about procrastination. Or that I should drop a class the second I hear the words "3000 word essay" at the beginning. Either or.

Friday, October 21, 2011

#It's a little bit funny...

....this feeling inside.

So I have this thing where I'm super not romantic. 

I cringe at PDA, gag at love letters, and roll my eyes at romantic songs. Ask me to sit through 2 and a half hours of a romance movie and I will laugh in your face. Then fall asleep.

I just don't see the appeal.

And yet I attract romantic guys like world of warcraft attracts fat kids.

Guys who want to write me love songs, and sing them on stage, send me love letters with sappy words and update their Facebook status to tell me how they feel.

Dear God.

The thing is, most girls would love that. Most girls would absolutely be lost in the affection and love being poured down on them. But I don't like it. It's all just a little too fake to me.

To me, love isn't about showing the world how much you love that one person. It's about showing that person. And not through superficial things like words and songs.

To me, people who feel the need to tell everyone every second of every day how in love with each other they are, aren't really in love. They just want you to think they're in love. People who feel the need to grope each other in public aren't happy, they're insecure. It's like you're trying to convince the world that you're happier than you really are. And worse, the people who bombard you with sweet words ALL THE TIME are probably trying to convince YOU that they like you more than they really do.

Think about it. You wouldn't tell someone you just met "Hi. I'm a nice person."and you definitely wouldn't tell them in every day conversation like "These socks are really warm. I'm a nice person." No. You would show them you're a nice person by being a nice person. And they can come to the conclusion themselves. Unless you aren't a nice person. Then you would have to find another way to convince them that you're a nice person. So why would you feel the need to constantly reassure someone that you like them, if you could just show them?

To me, romance is knowing someone's coffee order off by heart. It's being able to tease each other and not get mad. It's silly. It's about knowing what makes that person tick, what reaction they'll have in a situation, and how to calm them down. It's wanting to tell them everything about your day. It's being goofy together. It's acceptance. It's knowing the good and the bad that goes with someone and loving them because they aren't perfect, not in spite of their flaws. It's a decision. It's knowing that person loves you without being told. It's familiarity. The spontaneity mixed in with the routine. It's knowing someone for who they really are. 
It's the everyday love.

So the next time you want to post a public status telling the world how happy you are with your significant other, stop and think about why you're doing it. And maybe just show the one you're posting about how you really feel.

ps. I don't see anything wrong with a few status updates about the hubs. Just don't clog up my news feed with things that really do not need to be shared.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

#Faith And Philosophy - The 2 F's

Know what I love?

When I spend my entire day sitting in meetings, and lectures and mostly stressing about my philosophy midterm.

Eating ice cream then immediately regretting it.

Leaving my midterm praying I passed.

Ending my day with super low self esteem.

Then coming home to three boys who make me laugh, and build me up.

One of whom probably gave my whole house mono.

Another who lets me wear his sweatpants.

And another who only likes tall, blonde haired, blue eyed, girls.

I've decided I like having three brothers. 

Going on late night adventures to Wal Mart with my Momma.

Looking up pictures of places I want to be.

And remembering that tomorrow is a new day.

My days are so much better when filled with the people I love!

Monday, October 17, 2011

#African Cats


Pray for me.

Because there might be some big things happening soon. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Sooooooo funny story.

Yesterday I was bored at home and not wanting to do homework. So I decided to go to a movie!

My brother wasn't feeling well and everyone else was at work or school so I went by myself.

And I felt super liberated going to a movie by myself!

50/50. People kept telling me it's super good and funny and heartwarming. It was on early enough that I could go to work after. So I went.

So I handed my ticket to the 16 year old high school drop out who rips tickets and he looks at me and says "I'm going to need to see some ID miss." 

Um. Excuse me. This movie is 14A.

"It is 1 o clock on a Friday afternoon. I am here alone. How do you think I got here?" I said, super offendedly.

"You could have walked. Or stolen a car. ID please."

"Seriously. You're gonna make me put down all this yummers fattening food for me to pull out my ID when I am clearly older than 14."


So I struggled for 20 minutes trying to wrestle out my driver's license without spilling popcorn.

Then, when he got the satisfaction of a quarter second glance at a picture of me looking like a native man, he let me go see my movie.


Anyway, so I was sitting in this theatre, waaaayyyy at the back, in a theatre alllllll alone and excited to watch some Seth Rogen. Then another couple walked in and sat RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! There is a whole theatre! Nobody else is here!! Seriously!!!

Whatever. I got over it. So I started watching this movie. In a dark room alone. Then I found out that stupid movie was about cancer. So I spent the next hour and a half crying like a baby. Like, sobbing. Seriously the people in front of me kept turning around and I wanted to punch them in the back of the heads because they should have sat somewhere else.

So, yeah. That was my movie going experience.

Now I'm going to go eat some peanut butter before the world runs out, and head on down to occupy Calgary. Hope to see you there!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

#A message for the entire world..

Please stop eating peanuts. There is a shortage and I would really REALLY appreciate if the cost of peanut butter did not go up. It is a staple in my life and I can not afford to pay more than it already is.

-Sincerely, Rye

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

#If you wanna be my lovaaaa

I have Mad Cow Disease.

Legitimately. Mad cow. Not Creutzfeldt-Jakobs (look it up. or head on down to wikipedia), Mad Cow.


#1. I can't focus.

#2. My lips are chappy.

#3. I talk to myself a lot. 

#4. I have six stomachs.

#5. I have a runny nose.

#6. My left eye is itching right now.

#7. I am angry. But not really. I think I am more mad than cows though, I feel like cows don't get mad very often. I think they like to forgive.

Okay, before you go off on me, I am aware that none of those things are symptoms for Mad Cow. Except the last one. I am pretty sure it is vital for you to be at least as mad as a cow for you to have Mad Cow. And number four. Because cows and I have that in common.

I just really don't want to get up early for school tomorrow.

BUT I get to throw balls at people's faces all morning. Which will be nice I think.

Maybe I'll put off having Mad Cow for a day when I don't get to throw balls at peoples faces.

Yes. That's what I'll do.

I no longer have Mad Cow.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

#Reflection in the mirror

Thanksgiving came and went like a whirlwind.

My long weekend is already over.

And I'm back to the day-in day-out of every week.

I had a lot of time to think about what I was thankful for this weekend. And in the midst of my anxiety, depression, and dark thoughts I was able to come up with an abundance of things I'm thankful for.

Here's a short list because I could go on and on in detail about why each of these things is important to me but that would bore you into never revisiting my blog..

- My little brother
- My ballerina sister
- My artistically inclined sister
- My amazing mother
- My strong Daddy (RIP) - and the opportunity to know what it means to have a Daddy
- The relationship that my whole family has with each other
- The rest of my extended family
- My awesome friends
- Mostly my FBF who is pretty much my third sister..
- My God, my Jesus - and the freedom to express my love for my God
- The house that I call home
- The food I know I can eat
- The clothes that I wear
- The education I am privileged to indulge in
- And all the little extras...I could be here for hours.

We live in a sweet little corner of the world. I don't need one day to be thankful for all of those things. But it's a good habit to get into to look at your life and know how well off you are. Because despite the "crap" we have to go through, we have so much more than 97% of the world.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

#Expect the worst, hope for pie

It's a list kind of day. 4 top 10 lists. Wooooo!!

Top 10 things you learn when you hang out with teenage boys for an evening:

1. It has become socially acceptable for your younger brother to tell you you're "wheelin'"

2. Teenage girls are a lot more......outgoing than back in my day.

3. In pie we crust.

4. It doesn't matter how old you are, you always fear the wrath of the mom, even if she's not your mom. And hiding in the basement under the stairs is a never fail option for avoiding that wrath.

5. 3 teenage guys can down an extra large pizza in 8 minutes or less.

6.  I need approval from my brother AND his friends when I like a guy.

7. Teenage boys are another great distraction from annoying stupid things like homework.

8. TyTy-WyWy-Matt-RyRy

9. Listening to music you grew up on is the fastest thing to age you ever. That, and knowing who Mick Jagger is.

10. Teenage boys revert to young children when surprised with NFL tickets.

Top 10 things you learn when you're trying to write papers:

1. Everything is a distraction.

2. You can read a 3 text message conversation about 50 times and not get bored of it. *note - you must really like this person for this to be valid.

3. You can't tickle your own toes.

4. Even things like working out don't sound so bad when you have to write a paper.

5. Having painted nails is vital to existence.

6. Same with toes.

7. Spoof rap battle videos on youtube are super entertaining...kinda.

8. You don't have to be hungry to eat lots of food.

9. It's fun to look up tattoo designs on the internet.

10. When you drink a lot of water in a short period of time, you have to pee lots.

Top 10 motivational quotes for the day:

1. Do not be afraid of tomorrow, God is already there.

2. The key to happiness is: Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, give much. Fill your life with love. Do as you would be done by.
- Buddha

3. Every single person who's drifted in and out of your life is part of your divinely chosen experience. So, give thanks for all of these people, and take serious note of what they brought you.
- Dr. Wayne Dyer

4. What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
- Ralph Emerson

5. No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch.

6. Nothing's gonna change if we only rearrange the furniture and call it home.
- Andrew Allen

7. The difference is Jesus loves you, I don't.
- Danielle Peck

8. You're my silver medal.
-Peter Griffin

9. Reach for the stars, climb every mountain higher.
- S Club 7

10. ...You're pretty.
-Mama Marji

Top 10 songs of the day:

1. Come Together - The Beatles

2. Alone With You - Jake Owen

3. Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional

4. Two Worlds - Phil Collins

5. Barefoot Blue Jean Night - Jake Owen

6. Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison

7. Let It Rain - David Nail

8. Strange Disease - Prozzak

9. I'd Rather Be With You - Joshua Radin

10. God Gave Me You - Blake Shelton

Another great way to put off doing papers? Watch Modern Family and write blog posts with lots of lists. Lists are my kryptonite.

Monday, October 3, 2011

#When the sun shines, we shine together

Because we were the chubby girls playing at the park;

Because we paced the path to 7-11 every day;

Because we put garbage in mailboxes;

Because we could go years without talking and pick up like nothing happened;

Because we ran away from bears;

Because we can poop at each other's houses;

Because you hold my hair when I puke;

Because you make me smile no matter what;

Because you held my hand through the hardest of times;

Because you make me ugly face laugh on an every day basis;

Because you are there for me to ugly face cry to;

Because I can just make ugly faces and you still love me;

Because you're the first person I come to when I screw up;

Because you laugh at my screw-ups and respond with a casual "sh!t happens."

Because we watch disney movies, usually 4 times before we both stay awake through the whole thing;

Because you are my very best friend;

Because of all that -

I will not judge you.

I will love you.

I will support you.

I will stand by you.

I might say things you don't want to hear.

But know it's because I care about you.

I want the best for you.

I look at you and see someone so beautiful, smart, funny and worth it.

And I just want you to know that no matter where you are, who you're with, what time of day it is -

 You will always have someone who loves you and thinks the world of you.

#Crazy girl, don't you know that I love you

I feel like everyone around me is under attack from the enemy.

I feel like satan is wedging himself into people's heads in the form of insecurity, guilt, shame, hatred.

I feel like I'm helpless to the attacks on the people around me.

I want to save you, I want to take it from you. But I don't know how to help.

Please let me in. Let me be here. Let me help you in any way I can.

I'm praying for all of you. Don't give into it. Stay strong.

God loves you.

And I love you.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

#A smile, a kiss, a sip of wine

Sometimes you get home at 1:30 in the morning and you can't help but blog because you're so smiley and happy and giggly.

And it's stupid because you spent the whole day crying.

Sometimes you get mad at God because it seems like He gives you hope, then snatches it away.

Sometimes it seems like it won't ever change. Or get better.

Sometimes you're put in situations where it seems He will work in your heart and instead He just breaks it.

Then, sometimes, something happens that blows your mind.

Sometimes you feel your complete sense of loss, but at the same time feel you're angel smiling down on you.

Sometimes God drags you into situations that you think are going to be stupid and annoying and pointless.

And He smacks you across the face for being so self-righteous.

He knows what you need. At all times.

And even if nothing comes from this, I needed it tonight.

Sometimes all it takes is a smile, a kiss, and a sip of wine to change your perspective.

And sometimes, something happens to make you realize that the change has to start with you.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

#100 things you may or may not have known about Riah. Part 3

You're in the homestretch! Almost there! I believe in you!!!!

73. I once was a little chinese seamstress.
74. I love adventures. Of any kind. Take me on an adventure. I will be yours forever and ever and ever.
75. I am the worst at working out. But I need to do it because if I don't I will be 1970389520982123 pounds.
76. I have the maturity of a 7 year old boy. This is why I get along with kids so well.
77. I have a pacing issue. As in I pace all the time. It's a good time to ponder life, or talk to people on the phone. 
78. I want to learn how to DJ. But please don't tell anyone, that is a secret secret. (This is also on my top 25 before 25, in case you were wondering. Which I am sure you were peeing yourself a little bit with anticipation for this piece of knowledge that you didn't know was coming.)
79. I love going to live music shows. They get my ticker ticking.
80. Homework makes my eyes sleepy.
81. I could live the rest of my life off of peanut butter. No joke.
82. I'm going to marry a pilot. I told my ex-boyfriend to become a pilot so I could marry him. He said no. That is why we're not together. I told my 14 year old brother's friend to be a pilot and he said "I can be a pilot." See? That is commitment right there. I am a little bit worried about waiting for him though, because obviously it is wildly inappropriate for us to date right now. And the whole point of marrying a pilot is for him to fly me everywhere all the time and we can go on adventure central together. I don't want to do that when I'm old. Back to the drawing board then..
83. I want to be a gypsy. And sell you gypsy tears. And dance. Like Esmerelda.
84. My FBF is the bestest sweetest wonderfulest awesomest person ever. And she makes me laugh like nobody else. And she has a bubgina. She's pretty much my sister.
85. I didn't know if I really wanted to be a nurse when I first started nursing. But I'm sure now that it is what I was meant to do.
86. I think awkward situations make life worth living. They are usually super funny and awesome. 
87. I enjoy carbs more than the average person.
88. I am allergic to cats. This makes me not like them. And they love me. I swear, this is not a drill. I should have been allergic to parakeets or something. Because I clearly was meant to be a cat lover. 
89. At any given point in time I have lip chap with me.
90. I have never used a whole eraser. Except the ones on the back of a pencil. But those don't count in life because they don't even really work.
91. I'm a lover not a fighter.
92. Every time I see a girl with bigger boobs than me I think to myself "I bet they're fake." Clearly I'm just jealous.
93. I have a unicorn camera which automatically makes all of my pictures more magical than yours.
94. Eden.
95. I love honey nut cheerios more than I love almost anything ever. I would fight a bear for honey nut cheerios. Which is a realistic situation, because bears like honey. Duh. 
96. Tequila and Rye is never a good idea.
97. I have a sister wife. She is super pretty and is rockin' the boat. I loves her very much.
98. Spring is my favourite season, because everything is coming back to life!
99. I self diagnose myself with every illness, disease, and disorder ever known to man. Ever. I have everything. I am a walking mess of yuckyness. You should probably stay away, or wash your hands after coming in contact with me. 
100. I talk to myself a lot. Like A LOT. Especially in my mirror. Usually when I'm drying my hair so that nobody can hear me talking to myself. I have full conversations with people, and I play both parts. And I say things exactly the way I want them to go down. They rarely ever happen like that, but I still do it. I yell at people a lot in my mirror because then all my anger is gone and I can have a reasonable conversation with the actual person in real life.
So there you go. 100 things you may or may not have known about me. I also just reread this list ad realized I mostly describe myself in things that I love. And I love that! Seriously, I love to love. What a life!
