#Top 25 before 25

I have a love/hate relationship with bucket lists.

I love the thought of having a list of things you want to do in your life! Like little goals from all walks of life. A list of things you feel important enough to make your life complete.

But I hate the idea of a list of things to do before you 'die'. So I've decided that I'm going to make lists in increments of 5. I'm starting with a 25 before 25. Then 30 before 30 and 35 before 35 and so on. I'm really REALLY hoping that I'll be faithful enough in my blogging that I'll be around long enough to cross these things off my list and hopefully provide some pictures for you to see. So anyway, here is my 25 before 25 as of October 16, 2011.

25. Learn how to surf

24. Read the bible, cover to cover

23. Keep a plant alive for at least a year. Or until it produces some kind of fruit

22. Learn how to DJ

21. Kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower (I promise this is the only really girly one)

20. Sleep in a treehouse

19. Graduate from University

18. Go ice fishing

17. Learn how to sail

16. Get hypnotized

15. Hold a monkey

14. Take equestrian lessons

13. Run a half-marathon

12. Watch a live NFL game

11. Learn to salsa, or burlesque, or belly dance

10. Ride a zipline through a jungle

9. Be published

8. Complete Challenge 365 (love it)

7. Travel to a 3rd world country for outreach nursing

6. Add on to my tattoo - or get a new one - November 20, 2012 (I got a matchy one with my Mommy!)

5. Live in a foreign country

4. Go on a safari

3. Ride in a hot air balloon

2. Learn a completely new language (it's looking like it could be Russian!)

1. Sponsor a child, then travel to meet him (or her.)