Wednesday, October 2, 2013

#The personification of the human body

I have a big personality. Way too big to fit into one little person.

That's why I like to think that my body has a mind and personality of it's own.

Or I guess...that my body parts have a mind and personality. Complete with thoughts and feelings.

[I know, just when everyone thought they had my crazy figured out.]

Anyway, I thought I would give everyone a peek into how my body feels about life in everyday situations that I put it through. Because I have nothing better to write about.

My Feet:

In shoes - "Fine, just put me in foot jail. It's not like I had plans today or anything."


Barefoot - "I'm cold."

In socks - "I'm hot."

In flip flops - "I knew you loved me. I knew it deep down in my metatarsals" 

My Hands:

In gloves - "These feel yucky"

In mittens - "I'M A CRAB!!"

With nail polish on - "I am classy."

With a ring on - "I am beautiful."

With a ring on after eating a lot of salty popcorn - "I'M SUFFOCATING!"

With nothing - "I'm naked"

My hair:

When I stay home - "I am the most beautiful, voluptuous, magical creature you have ever seen!"

When I have to go out - "I hate you and this is me rebelling against you because I just hate you so much."

When I'm going to work - "Let me guess. Ponytail again. How original, nurse riah."

When I'm going on a date/to a fancy place/a party/any type of social gathering - "Today I decided to play a game called 'pretend to be an electrocuted raccoon'....and I won!!"

My legs:

While running - "I am jiggly."

While squatting - "I want to go back to running :("

After squatting - "Geesh, could I be any foxier?!"

In jeans - "I can't breathe"

In leggings - "I can breathe AND I look fabulous!"

In compression stockings - "I LIED!!! I WONT MIND VARICOSE VEINS!!!"

In sweats - "This is what heaven is. I know it."

In shorts - "I am chafing somewhere around my upper thigh region.."

In a dress - "I'm naked"

My arms:

In a t-shit - "HA! I'm exposed and there is nothing you can do about it!"

In a tank top - "No. This is TOO exposed."

In a cardigan - "I am comfortable in here hiding from people."


My Boobs

When in a bra - "I hate my life"

When in a sports bra - Nothing. They dont have thoughts or feelings because they don't exist when I put them in a sports bra.

When I'm not wearing ANY bra - "And I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeee! Free faaaaaalling!"

My Tummy:

When doing sit-ups - "No."

When planking - "No."

When eating salad - "No."

When eating french fries - "Never stop."

When wearing a t shirt - "Work out, fatty"

When wearing a dress - "Work out, fatty"

When wearing a bathing suit - "Work out AND go on a diet, fatty."

When wearing a baggy sweater - "CAKE TIME!!"

PS: what I take from the above quote is Zac Efron thinks I'm the most beautiful because I have so much personality. Sorry ladies.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

#OCD - Obsessed with Christmas Disorder

I was called out a few days ago for not writing on my blog very much anymore [Thanks Uncle Ray]. But to be quite honest I haven't been inspired to write about anything interesting lately. So I've decided to do what I always do when I have nothing to say. I'll make a list!

I know. I'm so original and exciting. Blah blah. It's happening whether you want it or not. Here's today's list - partially inspired by the fact that I will be turning 22 [also known as over the freeking hill] in less than 2 weeks.

Rye's top 21 ways to stay [appear] 21 forever

1. Just tell people you're 21 whenever they ask you how old you are.

2. Burn your driver's license.

3. Wear a wardrobe exclusively from Forever 21.

4. Botox.

5. Buy a boa constrictor - pets keep you young.

6. Nap often.

7. Act like you know everything.

8. Believe in Santa Claus.

9. Cry for your mommy. Often.

10. Moisturize.

11. Celebrate your birthday in Vegas.

12. Wrap everything in bacon.

13. Dress as a penguin every other Tuesday.

14. Watch all of the shows on Disney Channel.

15. Ride a unicorn. Everywhere.

16. Go to clubs.

17. Be emotionally unavailable.

18. Post everything you do on the internet because the world can't live without knowing what is happening in your life every 20 minutes.

19. Get a symbolic tattoo representing how you are independent and know everything.

20. Carry a latte with you everywhere.

21. Paint your nails. Post pictures of your painted nails holding the nail polish bottle. With a filter.

There you go. Fool proof.

*note: there is absolutely no science behind any of these things that I just wrote. They are strictly opinions of myself. 

Friday, May 31, 2013

#Fears vs. Dreams Part 2: DREAM

Dream [4. noun - A cherished hope, ambition, aspiration]

Dream - To inspire the hurting

So yesterday....was pretty depressing hey?

Sometimes that happens. Sometimes I'm depressing. Less now than before! But if I kept all my depressing inside all the time I would turn into an angsty teenager again. And nobody wants that. Just ask my mother.

Also - for those of you who don't know the back story of fears vs. dreams here is a very brief description.

But today will be more uplifting hopefully. Yesterday was my biggest fear. Today is my greatest dream.

How do you define your biggest dream? Is it career related? Is it personal? Is it to have a cookie cutter house with a white picket fence and a dog and a minivan filled with little sticky hands? Or is it to see everything God put on this earth? Is it your dream to open a bakery? World peace? Master a cartwheel? How can you pick out of all of your ambitions and choose ONE thing that is most important to you in this life?

My dream is simple. And yet complex.

Because I am nerdy, let's define inspire before we delve into my dream.

Inspire [1. verb - to fill with animating, quickening, or exalting influence]

Remember how I told you before that I'm super conceited? I think that probably has a role in this dream.

You have to be mighty cocky to think that your life can inspire others.

I told you yesterday that I don't think I'm perfect. In any way. I actually am aware of how far from it I am.

For instance, if I was perfect I would probably spend my whole life doing productive things like studying for my registration exam and not writing blog posts and eating entire bags of peanut butter m&ms.

I would also probably drink only water instead of sparkling grapefruit, and lattes and would give thanks every day for the things I have that not everyone else does. Like blankets and brooms and  balls.....eyeballs.

As I'm sure almost everyone knows, my Daddy passed away a little over 2 years ago. And my journey to this point in my life since then has been a struggle, to say the least.

But I've made it. Through some pretty dark days, and darker thoughts I've made it.

I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with people who are in the exact same situation I was in just over 2 years ago. I get to take on a role in their story.

I also am blessed every day that someone divulges their life experiences to me.

Pain is pain. Everyone has experienced it in some form.

My dream is to be a beacon of hope to those people experiencing pain right now.

They don't necessarily have to know the intimate details of my story. They don't even really need to know that I have experienced the pain that I have.

But I want to be such an example of joy that people can't help but know there are better days to come. That the pain and fear and anxiety are temporary. And there is so much happiness to look forward to in the future.

And I know lots of you won't like hearing this - but my joy comes from my God. And my joy is a reflection of how beautiful Our relationship is.

That's my greatest dream. To inspire hope for a better day to those who are struggling today.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

#Fears vs. Dreams Part 1: FEAR

Fear [1. noun - a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc. whether the threat is real or imagined] 

Fear - not being good enough

"What does that even mean Rye? Not being good enough for what? Not being good enough AT what? Not being good enough for who? That just doesn't make sense. You can't just say that. It's too general and vague and mystical. It's not a real fear. Try again."

Um. Who are you even? It is a real fear.


[PS - it was me. I was the one who wrote that. I'm a dummy. Because I talked to myself in third person. It's sad having no friends. I'm lonely.]

Here's how it goes. 

I typically live my life like an open book. If I have nothing to hide then I won't be upset when people find things out about me. 

Does it mean I don't make mistakes? No. Does it mean I always make good choices? Ha! But for the most part I try to be honest about what goes on in my life, the mistakes and choices I've made, the good the bad and the ugly.

With some discretion. I mean, there are definitely people that I would never indulge my deep dark secrets to, and there are definitely some aspects of myself that I keep holed up for only a few to know. 

But honestly, I like being figuratively [mostly] naked. Because it's freeing and liberating. Much like being literally [mostly] naked. Maybe. I think.

There are a couple drawbacks to people knowing things about your life. The first being that they automatically assume because they know that you've experienced something, they think they know everything about you and your brain and your feelings and your entire life. And to those people I say "Sorry Ms. Jackson. [I am for reeeeeeal] If you haven't walked in my shoes you don't really know much."

But another BIGGER scarier drawback is people have the power to not like you, or to assess you and conclude that you are not good enough to be there. They can genuinely look at you and tell you that you fall short in some aspect of your life because of the things you do, or like, or say.

For instance, if someone were to say something like "Psssssh, you know that girl Rye? She eats so much oatmeal and walks around saying douche baggy things like 'killin it'. What a loser, right?" my brain would go "HA! They don't know anything. They might even like the real me possibly because the things that they used to describe me weren't me at all!"

BUT if someone were to say something like "Hey, you know that girl Rye? I hear she dances around in her kitchen and sings Celine Dion power ballads when nobody is home. And she likes it. What a freak!" my brain would go "Geesh. You don't have to be so mean. What a girl does in the privacy of her own home with nobody around has nothing to do with you. I'm defensive. Also - sad face."

If someone doesn't like me for who I really am, there's no coming back from it. That's who I am. I can't change it. Nor would I.

There's a difference, too, in someone not liking you and someone not believing that you're good enough.

And there is nothing more heartbreaking to me than to have someone give me that look of disappointment. The one that just screams "What are you even doing here? You don't belong in this group of elites."

And it makes me question my own worth every time.

There are so many voices in my life. Some that are supportive. Some that are discouraging. Some that are neutral. There is always going to be someone who will think I'm not good enough. That's just a fact I have to live with. I can't please everyone with my teeny tiny life.

And I guess my fear isn't just that I'm afraid of not being good enough. But that other people's perceptions of my lack of quality will start to distort my own perception of myself.

My fear is believing that I'm not good enough.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

#A love story


So I have this weird thing where I'm super conceited and think people like knowing things about me. Enough so that I write a blog. About my life. But then people validate my feelings by reading it. So theres that.

I'm going to tell you something so super cool that not a lot of people know about me.

May 14th is my anniversary.

The anniversary of the declaration of my love.

There's this Guy. He's really cool and stuff. The coolest actually. He's the love of my life. No, seriously. He's perfect. He always builds me up, and catches me when I fall. He steers me in the right direction, and holds my hand when I need it. He's so strong. He's carried my guilt and shame, my fears, anxieties, hurts, and worries. Most importantly He loves me. He loves me for all that I am. Even with all my flaws, and shortcomings, and mistakes. Even when I'm an asshole. He just says "Hey, it's ok. People mess up sometimes. I still love you. And I'll always forgive you as long as you love me back."

Awesome, right?! He's the best. Ever. The End. So I did what any sane person would do. 

I locked it down.

On a warm [I think it was actually rainy that day] spring evening, much like the one I will experience tonight, I stood up in front of my family and friends and hundreds of strangers and said "Hi everyone, my name is Mariah and I love this Super Cool Awesome Guy. I know you know Him. His name is Jesus. He's made a nice little home in my heart and I love that He lives there. He makes me a better person, and He makes me feel worth it, and also we have a pretty stellar relationship. And I'm gonna take a little dip in this water and make Jesus/Mariah Soup because I love Him so much. And I want everyone else to know how much I love Him. Also - here's a quote from the bible that I live my life by. The End."

Then I got dunked for Jesus.

Also there was crying and stuff.

AND because My Jesus loves me SO MUCH He gave me a Shelby to get dunked with me!

So we share an anniversary! It's also the annual celebration of the day she went from being a fetus to a neonate [that's actually the grossest thing I've ever said], so HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHELBY!

And Shelby and I lived happily ever after with our forever friend, Jesus. [Even though baptism does not = salvation. We learned that in baptizing school.]

The End!!!!!!!!

[side note: I think that is the most times I have written "The End" in one post. Even though this post is kind of about new beginnings. I'm weird.]

Monday, April 1, 2013

#I stitched the words into my heart with a needle and thread

I don't write very often anymore. But that's mostly because nothing I have to say is very interesting.

No seriously, I don't even really like listening to myself talk.

But because I was a dummy and one of my extremities is out of order I have nothing to do but sit in my room and listen to myself talk.

And also knit socks.

Just kidding, I'm not skilled enough to knit socks....yet.

However! I have had time to ponder many of life's mysteries. Such as, but not limited to:

"I wonder if anyone has ever counted the bristles on a toothbrush."
"Who decided that Easter would be about chocolate?"
"Why can't I get motivated to finish my last assignment?"
"Who decided pink and red don't go together?"
"What do owls think of?"
"Why is mint chocolate chip ice cream so damn good?"
"Are ghosts real?"

See? Nothing worth sharing with people.

BUT I did have time to muster up a list of things to do if you ever find yourself in a disabled state (such as the one I am in now).

Let me share my knowledge with you!

1. Learn how to knit socks (have I already talked about this?)

2. Watch the last Harry Potter movie. Cry.

3. Eat your mom's cooking.

4. Finally learn how to tie your shoes! (Kidding..)

5. Braid your hair (male counterpart - braid your armpit hair)

6. Listen to the song "Call Me Maybe" and lie to the world when you say you hate it.

7. Choreograph a dance to "Call Me Maybe" in your head, and use it as a party trick to impress your friends.

8. Watch everything on Netflix.

9. Play with stickers.

10. Count to 1000. Twice.

11. Listen to your bowel sounds.

12. Practice singing Boyz II Men, then sing it to anyone you find attractive.

13. Ab workouts :(

14. Color a picture for your mom.

15. Drink an excessive amount of wine.

16. Cover yourself in brightly coloured bandaids.

17. Buy a cat. Cuddle it.

18. Tell your new cat you aren't lonely. No really, you aren't.

19. Stay updated on's "Word of the day".

20. Dream of how great your life would be if you were a mermaid.

21. Wash your hands.

22. Drink a lot of vanilla bean lattes.

23. Learn how to play the french horn.

24. Draw a moustache on your face. Tell people it's real.

25. Google yourself.

26. Sing every thought that comes to your head, and make your life a musical.

27. Sleep.

28. Continue living your double life as a teenage mutant ninja turtle.

I want you to know I worked hard on putting that list together instead of working on things I was supposed to be doing. So you're welcome.

Friday, January 4, 2013

#Every New Beginning

"You know why she sent her Dad? Because no matter how old you are and how big you get, your Daddy is invincible. You could ask him to do anything and just know in your heart he would do it, just because he's Dad."

You know what I love about books?

All books. Fiction, nonfiction, mysteries, romances, biographies, picture books, all books.

The story. I love the thrill of a story. I love turning the page and learning new things, and putting the pieces together to create an elaborate web of beauty to immerse yourself in for hours.

The way that all the big things and some of the little things always end up having meaning in that story. It is the story of someone. Or someones. And for the time that you are reading that book you take on the role of someone else. You live another life, completely separate from your own.

What if someone were to write a book about your life. What would they include?

Because, of my life so far, I know what I would include. Little and big.

The bits and pieces and chunks that will make up who I am.

A Mother who always loved me unconditionally, a Daddy who chose to take me in as his little girl, a Brother who has always been wiser than I, and two artistic, and caring Sisters. All of whom bring sunshine to my darkest days. And allow me to draw strength when I am weak. They would be at the centre of my story.

Our struggles and successes. Those would also be part of my story.

Standing by my Daddy and easing his pain in his final moments, surrounded by family and love. That would be a part of my story.

My God, my Faith, my Hope. He would be a big part of my story.

Friends that have come and gone. Friends who have stayed. Friends who love me for who I am, no matter what. They would be in my story.

Sunday school, and nursing, and adventures.

Some things that were fun, but also things that were scary. And ultimately things that changed me.

And now I face this. Four months of working with people who are passing from one life to the next in the very place my Daddy did the same.

And now I face this. I'm at a climax. Everything has been leading up to and preparing me for this. And with the help of my family, friends, and two Daddy's in heaven I will take this on and do whatever I am meant to do there. 

This is the beginning of a new adventure.

This is part of my story.