Thursday, September 29, 2011

#100 things you may or may not have known about Riah. Part 2

Ready for part 2? I know you've been stoked for it. Also, stop texting me and leaving me comments about what should go on my list. I already made it. I know what's on it. I'm not changing it. Plus most of what you've told me is on it already anyway. LOVE x

29. I love my toms. All of my pairs. I don't even remember how many I have now.

30. I am not good at playing words with friends. I start games, play 7 moves, then forget about them. If you want to improve your win:lose ratio you should really start a game with me.

31. Jeans are my nemeses. Sweatpants are my saviours.

32. I am actually sitting in class while I'm writing this list.

33. This is a super boring class. Theory blows.

34. I do not like chocolate. No, that does not mean I am not a girl, it means I do not like chocolate. My taste in food has nothing to do with my anatomical features. Thank you.

35. That being said, when I am sad I drown myself in every other type of unhealthy food imaginable.

36. I have a hard time saying 'no' and usually just end up overwhelmed and crying in my room about how much stuff I have to do. It's a healthy coping mechanism I think..

37. I have a gold star right beside the power button on my laptop. It's from K. It makes me feel like I have accomplished something even though as soon as I open my computer that is the opposite of what really happens.

38. I speak roughly 20 words of Russian. If I am ever lost in Russia I can say 'hello' 'please' 'thank you' 'you're welcome' 'ice cream' 'good morning' 'yes' 'no' 'yes sir' 'beautiful smile' 'milk' and 'nose'. That is only 12. Maybe I over shot my Russian speaking abilities.

39. Before I was a power ranger I was a sailor scout. Sailor Mars to be exact. I was such a kick ass kid!!

40. I have performed a broom dance approximately once in my lifetime.

41. I am old.

42. In kindergarden I wanted to be a tiger when I grew up.

43. I am not ashamed about wanting to be a tiger when I grew up. I am ashamed I never followed through with that dream.

44. Philosophy is not my forte.

45. I don't really care if they label me a Jesus freak.

46. I have a bit of a compulsion for buying pretty things.

47. I have a top 25 before 25 list. I am considering posting it on this very blog.

48. I like to pull on push doors. Then yell at people who try to open those doors and tell them that they are broken. Then the door works and I feel like a fool. At least once a day.

49. I just got a twitter account. It is a secret because I don't want to admit I gave in and got a twitter..

50. I am halfway through this list and so are you. Congrats! Go get a cookie and strap in for part 2. Also, I love to eat cheese. That is random fact number 50.

51. Tea is my unhealthy/healthy obsession. It is unhealthy how much I obsess over it, but healthy because it is tea and not cocaine. I already told you I like tea with my ice cream but I did not tell you how much I love tea just for being such a sweetea.

52. Sometimes I mix up my dreams with real life. And sometimes I think I said things out loud when I really said them in my head.

53. I often say song lyrics in every day life. They usually don't make sense, but as long as you act like they should have been in the conversation people don't really question you.

54. I have a beautiful wife. Some call her Liz. I call her wifey. Ray Charles calls her Kixy. She's pretty much the best wifey I could ever ask for. We got married 5 years ago and are living happily ever after. The end.

55. I do not let my bum touch public toilet seats.

56. My favourite thing to do instead of write papers is write stupid blog posts and creep Facebook.

57. I just creeped your Facebook. Yeah, you. I know this because I have 559 friends on my Facebook (minus the 4 I just deleted because I forgot where I knew them from) and they all just got a creepin'.

58. I am a master procrastinator. Bishop Carroll ruined my life.

59. I love meeting new people and forcing my sunshineyness and friendship and love on them. They do not always appreciate that.

60. I am terrible at keeping Skype dates.

61. I have many alter egos including but not limited to - Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Hansen, Sheniquoa, Ching Mong, Runswithwolves - the tomahawk warrior, and Ron Weasley's hair.

62. It is physically impossible for me to stay awake during a movie.

63. I am a closet country music lover. And by closet I mean everyone knows it.

64. I hate when people pet my face. That is not cute. I am not a kitten. Do not pet my face.

65. I check the backseat of my car when I get in it. Because I'm scared someone will be back there. Not because I'm scared of being killed like a normal person. But because I'm scared that guy will hear me talking to myself. That happens lots.

66. I have a slight case of Bieber Fever.

67. Once in a while I forget to shave my legs. And by forget I mean remember.

68. I have an addiction to my blog. Which means I'm addicted to myself I think. That is very wrong.

69. I love sharks always and all ways.

70. Pandas too. I love pandas always and all ways. I can't decide which I love more.

71. I put 30 seconds of thought into my appearance before I leave my house in the morning. This is a significant improvement from the 6 seconds in my first 2 years of university.

72. I like ending lists with strange numbers.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

#100 things you may or may not have known about Riah. Part 1

This is my 100th post. Can you believe it?? The time has just zooooooomed right by! We've gone through lots together. Well, mostly I went through stuff and plugged your ears up with my nonsense. I guess I plugged your eyes up because we weren't talking, you were reading what I wrote.

Anyway, I would like to say a huge thank you to my sweetly faithful readers. You guys make my heart warm and fuzzy. But not fuzzy like how you get fuzzy slippers on your teeth after drinking a coke. Fuzzy like a soft teddy bear tickling your arms while you squeeze it tightly.

So I thought I would make a post that was 100 facts about me. Except I'm not that fast at thinking up things about me so it will be a 3 part series over the next 3 days.

Congrats on making it through 100 of my posts! Here's your prize! More reading about me!!!

1. I like ice cream. I mostly enjoy my ice cream with tea. Because I like the hot and cold at the same time.

2. I have a soft spot in my heart for old people, asian people, and homeless people. If you are an old, homeless, asian I will take you into my heart and hold you there forever.

3. My parents have been the biggest influence in my life. My Momma has given up so much for me, and my Daddy is my hero.

4. Embarrassing things happen to me on an everyday basis. I am alright with people laughing at my expense.

5. Green is my favourite colour. It is the colour of life.

6. I am comfortable talking about anything. Including my bodily functions and my personal life.

7.  I live to eat. I do not eat to live.

8. My biggest fear is a life without love. That, and abduction plus rape. And elevators.

9. I do not like oatmeal.

10. I have three siblings. 2 little sisters and a little brother. They are my world. I would do anything for them.

11. I love soup. It warms my belly. And my heart.

12. I find it hard to let people in beyond a superficial level.

13. I love sapphires. They are super pretty.

14. I used to be a power ranger.

15. I love to colour. You should buy me a colouring book for Christmas. I will hug your face off if you do.

16. I love reptiles. And nature in general. And nature shows narrated by David Attenborough. Yeaaahhhh, those are the best.

17. I will never be a good gardener. I kill everything I touch. Which means I am good at pulling weeds, but not at nourishing beautiful green things.

18. I like to dance around my house. That's where I practice my cool moves for the club. Like "The Vegas Dealer" and "The Airchop"

19. I lead Sunday school at my church. And I feel like if I can take on a group of 20 screaming 8-9 year old boys I can take on pretty much anything.

20. I wish I had a pet unicorn to ride to school. Those are much cheaper than driving '97 Honda Civic's.

21. I drive a '97 Honda Civic.

22. Her name is Lucy.

23. I want to adopt a little baby from Africa, and a little girl from China. All I want is to be a mom...without the pregnancy.

24. Jesus is my boyfriend.

25. I love statistics.

26. Just now, when I wrote number 25, it was opposite day.

27. I am an old, black man living in a 20 year old half asian girl's body.

28. I am addicted to writing lists.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I don't really hate my life. I just hate how much homework I have right at this very moment in time.

Homework, I hate you. You ruin my nights.

Just kidding, I don't hate you, I just strongly strongly dislike you.

Looooove Rye.

Monday, September 26, 2011

#If We Are The Body

So today one of my good friends emailed me a link to this website. Because she knows I thrive off of stuff like this. And then I saw it referenced on another blog and having it appear in my life twice in one day was too much for me not to think it was a sign from God to reblog it.

Also I still don't want to do homework.

And a pretty sunshiny girl told me to blog more so she has something to read when she's bored in class (You're welcome =])

Anyway, here's the website:

But just incase you're too lazy to click the link (because I know I would be, and if you're my friend you probably are too!) I'll tell you all the cool things I learned from this awesomely awesome place!

If the world were 100 people...

50 would be female
50 would be male

20 would be children
66 would be adults 64 and younger
14 would be 65 and older

There would be..

61 Asians
14 people from the Western Hemisphere
13 Africans
12 Europeans

31 Christians
21 Muslims
14 Hindus
6 Buddhists
14 People who practice other religions
16 People not associated with any religion

17 would speak a Chinese dialect
8 would speak Hindustani
8 would speak English
7 would speak Spanish
4 would speak Arabic
4 would speak Russian
52 would speak other languages

82 would be able to read and write
18 would not

1 would have a college education
1 would own a computer

1 would be dying of starvation
17 would be undernourished
15 would be overweight

83 would have access to safe drinking water
17 would not

The world is comprised of 6.7 billion people. 

Who are we?

And what do we look like..

#Same Old Story

So apparently nothing has changed.

I am still an awesome procrastinator. 

Balls. This was not part of the plan for this year.

Because I am already SO behind in everything.

And I spent my weekend doing NOTHING instead of homework.

Actually what I spent my weekend doing was


Even now! I'm blogging about how much I hate my life instead of doing homework!

Here is what my weekend should have looked like

-reading textbooks
-writing take home finals
-writing papers
-starting online class homework
-reading more textbooks

So instead that's what my monday/tuesday/wednesday/thursday/friday look like. Don't even ask to hang out. It's not going to happen.

It doesn't mean I don't love you, it just means you need to find friends who are not diseased with the puttingthingsoff gene. 

Why was I excited about school again?

PS - I actually do love school for really realz, but I am not happy about my lack of social life the next 2 weeks. I need love and attention, and my textbooks are not very good at that kind of stuff..

Saturday, September 24, 2011

#Bruised Knees, Broken Toes

Today I dropped my flippen laptop on my toe.

And now it is a broken toe.

But not for realzies, it's just super bleedy and cutted and stuff..

And I've been yelling and whining about it for about an hour and a half or something.

So now I'm just going to drink some yummy tea with my FBF.

Then watch some footbaaaalllllllllll!!!!!!!

Then spend the rest of my day with 14 year old boys.

Then watch Bridesmaids and eat popcorn with my FBF.

Cause I love my FBF, she's my best friendddddddddd!!!

I'm also a little bit delusional from losing so much blood.

Now I'm going to go drink my yummers tea. Be jealous.

Friday, September 23, 2011

#These Four Walls

Did you know that about 6 out of 10 Canadian families live paycheque to paycheque according to Statistics Canada?

That means about 60% of families are one or two paycheques away from living on the streets.

Which means that if something happens; a parent get's laid off, a car breaks down, bills pile up, that poor family is hooped.

Yesterday I was blessed to meet families who opened my eyes to a whole new side of homelessness.

Moms and dads and kids who were not what you picture them to be.

Some dressed to the nines, and others just in casual every day wear.

Each with a story. Each willing to share.

Most were only on the streets for a few days. Some were on the streets for an extended amount of time.

There were no stories of addictions or crime.

Just people who had hit a bump in the road.

I know how blessed I am. That I have family I can always fall back on. No matter how old I am, or where I am in the world, I know my mother would call me home before letting me live on the streets.

But not everyone is blessed like that. Not everyone can count themselves that lucky.

So do me a favor.

Take the time to realize that homelessness isn't a disease. It's not something you can catch. It's not always associated with drugs or alcohol. Sometimes it's just about a series of unfortunate events.

6 out of 10 Canadian families are living paycheque to paycheque.

Who says it won't ever be you?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

#In A Jar Full Of Memories

Life is good today.

The sun is shining jovially over the city. New music is pulsing through my speakers and new tea is teasing my tastebuds. Hearts and brains are on the mend. The seasons are changing, and fall's crispness was biting the air this morning followed by summer's warmth kissing the afternoon.

But enough of that poetic crap.

Seriously, life is good.

Autumn is my second favourite season, and it's transitioning in super smoothly.

My birthday was a couple weeks ago, and I've decided it's going to be the year of change. And adventure.

I get an office with a window starting next week.

I love this semester. And I will probably love the next one too.

Homework is down to a minimal for the day.

I'm spending a significant portion of the next 2 days with my FBF.

I got to play with stickers all day.

I am surrounded by the most loving, supportive, amazing friends.

My family is healthy and happy. 

My God is bigger than anything I have to worry about, and He loves me.

And I'm still  breathing.

Yep. Life is good today.

Friday, September 16, 2011

#Hi. My name is Rye. And I sometimes get embarrassed.

So my life this last year has been a lot more serious than I would really have liked it to be.

And most people who know me know that I'm not a very serious person.

And a lot of people who don't know me have witnessed me in embarrassing situations.

Most times when embarrassing things happen I just laugh it off and keep living my life. But there are the special few times I just want the earth to open it's big mouth and munch me right up. All the way down to the equator. And it's stinkin' hot down there!

I'm not talking about those every day embarrassing things, like calling your teacher "mom", or tripping and falling, or accidentally letting your deep man laugh come out in public. Although those things do happen to me often. I'm talking the down and dirty super wickedly embarrassing things. Things you want to lock up into a box in a safe in a closet in Atlantis never to be seen again.

But! Because I love all 5 of you who read my blog I thought I would share with you some of the most embarrassing things that have happened to me. So I'm making a top ten! Feel free to laugh at my expense. I'm already over it!

(One of those times was earlier this week, I was completely mortified. In the moment I thought it was the most embarrassing thing ever, but after careful consideration I ranked it number 7)

10. One time in junior high everyone was really quiet because we were supposed to be meditating or something in gym. Then the girl beside me farted really loudly. And I mean REALLY loudly. And everyone laughed. BUT everyone thought it was me. So then everyone teased me for like a week (this is number 10 because it technically wasn't even me! But I did take the blame for it....sigh. It's because I was a fat kid and everyone just assumes the fat kid is the one who farts.)

9. One time I ran up to some guy in the hall at university and yelled "Oh my gosh! Mark! How are you?! How was your summer?? Did you watch Big Brother at all?!" and this guy looked super uncomfortable. Then he said "My name is Joel and Big Brother is stupid." then walked away. This would have been less embarrassing if it was not in a crowded hallway and if I had realized AT ANY POINT BEFORE BEING TOLD that it was not my friend Mark.

8. One time I was out on a date and thought it would be cute of I wore heels. Don't ask me why. I had worn heels probably twice before that in my entire life. And I should know better than to try and impress a guy on the first date, because then you have expectations to live up to. Anyway as we were walking out of the movie theatre I wobbled a little bit. Sensing danger in my near future I PUSHED my date down before me so that I had somewhere nice to fall when I eventually did. Great first impression Rye, you're a real winner.

7. One time I was on the train and was watching the guy beside me play Pokemon blue on his gameboy. Then I fell asleep leaning against the window. Then I woke up leaning against his shoulder. And when I lifted my head quickly (because apparently if you lift your head fast enough the person you were sleeping on won't realize what you just did....) I saw a wet spot. From where I had been drooling. Sorry guy.

6. One time a boy in my class made fun of me because I pooped my pants. But it wasn't really poop it was my period that had gotten on my pants. However when you are 13 that is probably worse than people thinking you pooped your pants, so I just told people I sat on something.

5. One time I sneezed really hard in class and didn't realize I had a giant booger on my boob until the next period. Everyone else did, but nobody had the courtesy to tell me. I walked around for almost a full 2 hours with boogey boobs.

4. One time I was getting my hair cut by my mom's friend, who does hair out of her basement. Because she's always the one who cuts it. So anyway, I got there early so there was a lady who was still getting her hair done. And she had a little girl. Now if you know me, you know I love kids, so what did I do? I started playing with this adorable little girl. We went just outside the salon part of the basement and started chasing each other around. And I caught my foot on my other foot and biffed it. I'm talking flat out sprawled on the ground bruised knees kind of fall. Embarrassing right? Not quite.

After that I decided no more running around, because I am a safety hazard. I'm like fire, children should not be allowed to play with me. And I just stood around until it was my turn to get my hairs snipped. When I sat down I felt the cool leather on my left butt cheek. You're kidding me right?! I ripped my pants?!?! Yep. When I stood up and looked in the mirror I did indeed rip my pants. And I had to go to class after that. Sweet. Ripped pants and school. Obviously I didn't want people peeping at my bum so I tied my sweater around my waist and walked around like an athletic hiker or a girl from the 90's for the rest of the afternoon. This would probably have been #1 if anyone but me noticed. Believe me it was embarrassing though!

3. One time I got super drunk at a costume party and threw up on a cowboy. Then I shuffled my feet behind him as he ran away from me. And I was whining "Why are you walking so fast??" And my mom heard me. Because she had come to pick me and my friend up from that party. Then I had to tell my mom I threw up on a cowboy. This was mostly embarrassing when I was throwing up on the cowboy. Have you ever puked on someone? Try it. You'll be mortified. It's almost like pooping in someone else's bed.

2. One time I tried to hold in a sneeze in class but farted instead. But only the person beside me heard and he looked over at me disgusted. But I just responded with a really aggressive "WHAT?!" and we never spoke of it again. Again, not number 1 because he was the only one who heard it.

1. Okay guys, this is super embarrassing. I can't even believe I'm reliving this. Actually, I'm really over it and when I think about it I laugh. But seriously. This is a true story.

One time, in high school, I spotted a group of my friends. And I ran up to them super excited to see them! I went to give my one friend a hug (friend - easily 6'3", well over 200 pounds, workout machine. Rye - 5'2" 120 pounds, tiny.) and he squeezed me. And squeezed me. He squeezed the crap out of me. Literally. Okay, well not completely literally. I didn't poop my pants, but I did fart SUPER loudly. Like louder than that girl did in number 10. And I was in a group of people I knew. And everyone laughed. And people still laugh. And you are probably laughing right now thinking about my blushing red face and my high pitched valley girl voice trying to deny that I just let one rip. And we're not even going to talk about the resulting smell.

There. So sometimes my life is not super serious. It is just stupid. I hope you love me a little bit more now.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

#Little Red Balloon

Dear Jesus,

I have a friend. Whom I love with all my heart. Who is scared and nervous and vulnerable right now. And he loves You. And I love You. And I love him. And I just want You to hold his hand right now. Breathe Your ultimate comfort into him. Warm his heart with Your iridescent light. 

And I'll be honest with You here, God, I'm pretty scared too. And I am putting my heart into your hands. I feel like I've trusted You with stuff like this before. And I know I don't know what I really need, but I really need this (I think). And I don't want to be hurt like I was hurt last time. So please protect my heart from hurt.

Place your healing hand upon him, and the doctors and nurses who will be working with him. 

And please be with us all tomorrow. 

I love Your awesome face.

Rye x

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


K Ruhls sounds just like K Rules.

Because DUH! She does =)

*also she's superhotfabulousfunnysmartsillygigglyinspiringstrongfaithfulsensitivebeautifulindependentlovingcompassionatesmileygorgeousawesomeoverwhelminglywonderful

or something like that.

Monday, September 12, 2011

#She's Her Own Woman

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is....even if we're apart, I will always be with you." 
-Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh

When I think of you I think of "safe" I think of "comfortable" I think of "familiar"

I think of a time when my life wasn't so hectic.

I think that if I allow myself to indulge in you again, if I give in to your I love you's, if I call myself your girlfriend, I won't feel so alone.

You're like that old sweater that get's overworn because it's what I know; it's baggy and comfy and easy to hide behind.

But I know better.

I know how wonderful it is to feel wanted. I know that I love the things you say to me. And I know that it sucks being alone.

But I know you won't fulfill my needs. You don't give me the happiness you used to.

You are amazing. You are someone I completely look up to. I think nothing but the world of you. 

But you are not right for me. And conversely I am not right for you.

Stop asking. Stop pushing.

It's time for us both to let this go and move forward to a life that better suits both of our needs.

It's going to take time, but it will be worth it.

It blows right now, but one day you'll look back and know it was for the best.

I love you, and I'm so thankful for what you were to me.

And now it's time to set each other free.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

#China Doll

I spent 5 of the last 6 days in a class about Chinatown.

I sat through lectures, ate the food of my people, and wandered around a maze of shops and restaurants for 8 hours a day. Every. Day.

I was expecting to spend the entire week with my nursing friends. Being all giggly and silly and nursey together. Just like in every other class that I've taken.

I expected to listen to 8 hours of knowledge that has already occupied my brain from listening to my Grandma for the last 20 years.

I expected this class to be a breeze and a half. 5 long days in exchange for 4 long months? Yes please!

But man, was I ever thrown off my rocker!!

I was reunited with an old friend from high school. I met lots of cool and interesting people. I was blown away and inspired by the culture and history of a little town within our city. I devoured the food like it was going out of style. I was presented with opportunities to volunteer. I waited 45 minutes for bubble-less bubble tea. I forced my positive sunshiney-ness on strangers. I spent an hour and a half in a Buddhist temple. I took lots of pretty notes with lots of pretty pens. I drank copious amounts of tea. I learned a lot. Laughed a lot. Ate a lot.

This has probably been one of the most eye opening and interesting classes I've taken thus far in my university career. Probably because it pertained specifically to my life and personal history. Because I'm half Chinese, you see.

So while I may have enjoyed an extra week of summer I am so thankful that I was called to take that course. It made the transition back to my everyday routine that much easier!

Monday, September 5, 2011

#Bleeding Blue

This weekend I went to my first football game of the season.

For my brother's football team.

The Bantam Calgary Colts.

And man oh man did I ever love it.

I forgot how much fun it is to sit in the stands, to cheer and holler and immerse yourself in the game.

To joke, and tease and laugh with the other spectators.

A familiarity sets in. You know the boys on the turf. You know the parents, siblings, girlfriends in the stands. You all come together with a common goal. To win that football game.

You see the team work on the field. The way the boys all have each other's backs. The way they celebrate together. They build each other up. They have respect for each other. They play as a team, win as a team, and lose as a team.

And up in those stands we love those boys. We get to know the boys, on the field and off the field. We cheer and we groan with them. We take pride in every block, every run, every touchdown.

These are my boys in blue. It's gonna be a rad season.