Thursday, July 28, 2011

#For The Birds

So this is going to come as a shock to most of you.

Because I don't normally do things like this.

But I've started running.

Yeah. I know.

And it's not like normally where I run until I feel a little bit winded and stop. Then I brag for weeks that I went for a run.

Nope. It's really not like that.

It's actually along the lines of for really real running.

Well, jogging.

With some walking in between.

But I've gone 3 times this week! I know! It's only Thursday! Twice with my sister wife and once with my football player brother! (Also, thinking you can keep up with football brother and live to tell the tale is a very grandiose delusion. Very grandiose, indeed....)

Anyway, I just wanted someone else to be proud of me for actually trying to do this. Because it's super lame to be the only one proud of yourself. (Well, I think my mom is proud too, but she has to be. It's her obligation as woman who gave birth to me.) Also, check back later tonight, or early tomorrow! I'm going to have a pretty awesome post up about my trip!

Monday, July 25, 2011

#She's That Kind Of Beautiful

Did you know that you're beautiful?

You. Yeah, you! Look in a mirror. You're beautiful.

Believe it. Because you are.

And don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

Don't let people get you down.

Only listen to the ones who build you up.

I don't care what he said or she said or they said or your dog said.

I don't care if you're having a fat day, if you're skin is breaking out, if you're hair won't do what you want it to.

I know that you have your own special qualities, talents, endowments, and attributes that make you who you are. That make you beautiful.

So I don't care what anybody else, including you, says.




Saturday, July 23, 2011

#Dear Canadian Team - Belarus Part 6

Dear Canadian Team,

Thank you.

I can't find other words for you.

Just thank you. 

It doesn't seem like much. Especially after everything you guys have done for me.

You stood by me in the hardest time of my life. You carried me when I couldn't go any further. You loved me without question. You prayed for me when I couldn't pray for myself.

There are no words to express my gratitude.

I am so proud of all of you. You all did so well while we were gone.

I miss seeing you guys all day every day. 

You became my family.

I will love you for the rest of my life.

Thank you for everything.

Especially for making the entire trip an amazing experience.

Even sitting locked in a room for 7 hours. 

You guys rock!

Love you forever,
Rye xxx

Friday, July 22, 2011

#Dirty Little Secret

A break from Belarus posts, yes? I'll be back to those in a jiff!

Well I actually took a bit of a break from blogging at all this past week. I've just been supa supa busy!

Well, kind of. Busy enough not to blog I guess.

Sooooo I have this guilty pleasure. I can only indulge myself during the summer months. Because it's just not possible the rest of the year round.

You are only allowed to read past this point if it is a judgement free zone.

It's Big Brother.

I know, I know. It's reality tv at it's worst. I used to think that too! A social experiment to see what lengths people will go to for money? Who would watch that? It sounds stupid and lame. But man, it's funny to see the things people do and say out of greed. It really shows manipulation at it's finest.

The funniest part about Big Brother is how annoyingly boring it is...yet so addictive. Why do I care what these people are doing? I literally can't even stand the sound of some of their voices. But I do. And I keep going back. Week after week. Year after year.

"Expect the unexpected." That's the tag line for this stupid show. But as the seasons have gone on the "unexpected" things that Big Brother throws at the contestants have gotten lamer and lamer. Literally to the point that they should just say "Expect the unexpected - we're not throwing anything in there this season! That is what is unexpected! Because we always do dumb shizz that makes no sense in any way! Our unexpected twist is no twist!" That - or get new writers or something.

So why watch it? Because. Just because. There is no other real reason.

This is what my blog has come to. Reality TV. I think I'm on a downward spiral here...

Anyway, moral of the story is: Big Brother. You think it's lame. Then you watch it and all of the sudden you're addicted. Or not. Also, try to live your life the opposite of the way people act in that house. Yes. Done.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

#Dear Moscow - Belarus Part 5

Dear Moscow,

Maybe I was too hard on you before. Maybe you aren't that bad. My second impression of you was significantly better than my first.

Because first you were super rude. You locked me in a cold dungeon-y room, with only cold chairs where I sat bored and cold for 7 hours. It's a good thing I had a blanket to foil your chilly plans! Mwahahaha! I took a nap on your cold hard uncomfortable metal chairs and I will have you know it passed the time quite nicely.

Then you told me not to come back without getting a visa. Who do you think you are? The visa police? Well good sir, I have news for you. There is no such thing as the visa police. I just made that up right now.

So I spent 2 weeks in Belarus and I didn't have my passport one of those weeks because I had to send it away to get your
Then I got that visa. Then I came back.

You were not such a grump this time. You actually let me through! You let me check my bags and walk around the airport. You fed me food that was fairly mediocre and gave me lots of signs to practice reading Russian in. Most of the people didn't smile. Except the guy who did when I said thank you in Russian. I think he knew I was not a native speaker. I really think he was just smiling to hold in his laughter at how ridiculous I sounded.

But apparently you are too busy checking for innocent people's visas, who are Canadian citizens that just want to use your airport to sit in for a few hours before departing to another country, to install air conditioning. Because I was boiling hot in that place. Like I had a sweaty back kind of hot. And I am never hot. I wanted to go back to your cold room with metal chairs from the first time! Man, you need to get your utilities in order!

My final verdict on you Moscow: Friends off. Sorry, you bring nothing to this relationship.

Mariah (I'll be formal in this one. Because we aren't friends, you see.)

Friday, July 15, 2011

#Dear Phil - Belarus Part 4

Dear Phil,

Where do I start Philly Phil? We have been through so much together. The good times, the bad times, the hurt, the joy, the challenges, the victories, the tears, the smiles.

You have words for everything in my life.

And LinGo camp was no exception.

Two WorldsTarzan Soundtrack

Put your faith in what you most believe in
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart, Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see

A paradise untouched by man
Within this world blessed with love

A simple life, they live in peace

Softly tread the sand below your feet now
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart, Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see

Beneath the shelter of the trees
Only love can enter here

A simple life, they live in peace

Raise your head up
Lift high the load
Take strength from those that need you

Build high the walls
Build strong the beams
A new life is waiting
But danger's no stranger here

No words describe a mother's tears
No words can heal a broken heart
A dream is gone, but where there's hope

Somewhere something is calling for you
Two worlds, one family
Trust your heart, Let fate decide
To guide these lives we see

Put your faith in what you most believe in; Softly tread the sand below your feet now; Somewhere something is calling for you - Put your faith in God, Go into the new world with awareness and sensitivity to the differences, Know that you are called to make a difference.

Two worlds, one family - the minute I stepped off that plane I felt like I was coming home. We are from two completely different cultures, societies, worlds. But we are all family under the Jesus umbrella.

Trust your heart, let fate decide, to guide these lives we see - Believe in yourself, trust what you know, you will lead people to salvation through the One who is using you.

Raise your head up, lift high the load, take strength from those that need you - Stay positive, keep going. You were sent there for a reason, and so was everyone else. Find blessings in all of them.

Within this world blessed with love; Only love can enter here; A dream is gone, but where there's hope - you know why you were sent. He loves you. He loves them. Show them His love through your love. Show them your love through your faith. Show them your faith through your hope. Love like He loves, it will all come together.


Do I read too much into it? Probably. But maybe I don't. Maybe you really do understand the innermost workings of my life, Phil. It doesn't matter. I love you and your music.

Keep writing. I'll keep listening.

Rye x

Thursday, July 14, 2011

#Dear Sunshine - Belarus Part 3

 Dear Sunshine,

I love you a lot. You make my days brighter. I love your big, gassy, shiny, warm, starry self. You illuminate my world.

I was a little bit discouraged when you didn't come hang out in Minsk with me. I thought maybe you got lost or something, or maybe you didn't know where Belarus was on a map. I was missing you lots when I was being rained on by clouds and thunder and darkness.

I missed your warmth. The way you could make everything look prettier. The way colors were brighter and heat was projected. I couldn't believe you had left me stranded in a foreign place.

Then I looked around me. And I saw you in the faces and smiles of the people surrounding my existence. I felt your luminous presence breathing life into me through kind words and acts of kindness. I realized that I didn't need to miss you, that you were there, illuminating the pathway to my new life and renewed faith.

Thank you for showing yourself to me in the form of joy and love lustrously glowing from the eyes of young adults.Thank you for giving me a new definition and awareness of sunshine. And most of all thank you for guiding me through my pain and weakness by shining through the hearts of others.

Rye xox

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

#Dear Russian - Belarus Part 2

*There are going to be lots of belated Belarus posts. Deal with it.

Dear Russian, 

I miss hearing your lyrical language in the background of my life. I miss having people around me teaching me new things about you every day. I want to know the way you work. 

I used to think you sound gross and throaty and constantly unhappy.

I've come to love you in a way I can't even describe. I went on tour in London and listened to your relaxing tongue while driving around on a double decker bus. I had no idea what was happening but it was like a warm blanket of comfort after not hearing your sweet melodies for 24 hours.

I want to learn how to use you in my everyday life. I want to carry on conversations in you. I want to hear my voice embodying your loveliness. 

In one year my love, you will be mine.

Love always,
Rye <3