#A Shot Of Rye

Hi! My name is Rye!

I'm a university student, studying nursing, living my twenties like they count. I blog to keep my brain from overloading, and so mostly what you get is a jumbled pile of crap. I'm a self-proclaimed Jesus Freek who does not judge or discriminate against you if you aren't. I am jealous of people who can pull off feather extensions. And also people who can afford them because I definitely can not. I'm also jealous of people who can play sports, because I'm sure from the picture above you have correctly assumed that I am less than adequate at anything involving balls. 

My weekend activities include TPing cars, watching old episodes of boy meets world and full house, doing cartwheels on my front lawn, picking my nose, playing air guitar at wal mart, trying to grow a beard, staring at the sun, pretending my left foot is a telephone and talking to myself with it up against my ear, dancing to Katy Perry, building bookshelves and pretending I have friends. 

I have a tendency to sit in front of my tv and eat cheese. Or ice cream. Or peanut butter m&m's. Or popcorn. Or just peanut butter. Or anything that can be shoved into my mouth really. My theme song is Dentiny's Child's "Survivor" because I have survived a curse, an ear infection, a fuzzy peaches addiction, and a stubbed toe in my life. I know. Let that sink in. 

In case you couldn't tell by now, sarcasm is my love language. So is food. And if you really want to know more about me I made a top 100 list of things about me. But it's in three parts. So you can click herehere, or here and learn a little something new!!

Should you feel the need to stalk me here's some contact info!

email - stethoscopesandunicorns@gmail.com
twitter - mariahsmashley