Wednesday, June 4, 2014

#Senior Moment

I realize that I have not blogged in probably about one thousand years.

I've been pretty busy though!

Doing things like getting engaged and having babies and stuff.

Crazy, I know.

Anyway - I do not have a lot of time to think these days, let alone get things down in writing.

However, I did realize the other day that I will soon be made fun of the way I made (and make) fun of my parents....for being old.

There will be things that my children will never experience, good and bad.

So, because I love lists so much, here are:

22 things that happened in my lifetime that will make my children think I am old (and things they will never know)

1. I was around when Facebook was "cool".

2. I was also around when texting was "cool" (I really don't think it will be around for when they get cell phones. Or chips in their brains. Or whatever is coming next.)

3. I have felt the satisfaction of slamming shut my flip phone after an argument.

4. I have owned big sunglasses.

5. I have tried to wind up a camera really fast to take another picture.

6. I can use a card catalogue.

7. I have burned serious calories trying to roll my window down really fast.

8. My VCR has ruined some of my favourite movies.

9. I have used a phonebook for it's intended purpose.

10. I have waited until I finished an entire roll of film to get my photos developed....only to realize that the one picture I thought would be great is actually half great and half my thumb. Or all my thumb.

11. I have worn a disturbing amount of stick on earrings.

12. I know why we say we are "taping" something when we are recording it.

13. I have felt cool because my phone had 3 way calling. And I have used it.

14. I can read a map. And know what a map is without a female voice telling me which direction to go.

15. My favourite teacher was Bill Nye the Science Guy.

16. I have saved files on a floppy disk.

17. I collected Beanie Babies. They had tag protectors on them.

18. I have witnessed the rise and fall of frosted tips.

19. I have gone all the way to the video store only to find someone had rented the movie I wanted to watch before I got there.

20. Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card!

21. The only dances I know by heart are the YMCA and the Macarena.

22. The Canada Food Guide used to tell me to eat like 57 servings of bread, not veggies, a day.

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