Monday, February 20, 2012

#Build me up, Buttercup

As of Saturday I have been blogging for one year.

A whole year!

With some of the most depressing stuff you'll ever read.

Because I'm super depressing.

Hm. Oh well! Moving on..

I bet you think I've been super busy with my super busy life for the last 3 weeks because I have blogged zero times. But I definitely was not. I was definitely laying in bed eating ice cream and grilled cheese's getting fatter than holy hell. I just had nothing to write about!

But luckily for you guys I now have a topic to indulge you in!


It's weird, right?!

Who came up with kissing? Who decided one day "(S)he has a very supple looking lips. I want to take my mouth and touch it with his/hers."

And beyond that who decided to open their mouth while kissing?!

Call me 13, but french kissing is super gross. And I'm pretty sure I suck at it.

The germaphobe in me can't get over how much bacteria lives in your mouth. And you are transferring that to my mouth. Also - microscopic bits of the nachos you just ate, which, I'll be honest, I love nachos, but I don't really like them partially digested and transferred via saliva.

Not that my mouth is free of germs or nachos, but you get the point.

And how do you tell someone "'s not that you're not an awesome person or anything it's suffocate me when we have oral relations [I just realized how terrible that sounds, but I firmly believe in not deleting anything after I write it. So take me as I am.]." or "My mouth is not a carrot, there is no need to get so much teeth involved." or "That was nice....can I offer you a Tic Tac?"

You don't. And when someone asks you if they're a good kisser you say "Duh-doy! Obviously you're a good kisser. Nobody kisses like you do, my friend. You are one of a kind. I absolutely do not hate it at all, in the least, even a little bit.."

There's no winning.

I'm also very aware that I have terrible kissing etiquette. I don't always close my eyes [unless I'm tired. Then I close my eyes. But then I get sleepy so I open those suckers right back up]. I don't stare, but I don't close them.

I also like to think about other things. Like "Hm. I wonder what's on sale at Wal Mart this week, I'm hoping to get a good deal on shampoo." or "What was the name of that song I really like...? Well, it's by Phil Collins, obviously. 'There's a girl that's been on my miiiiiiiind, all the tiiiiime'....OH NO! Did I just hum that out loud?" or "I would rather be looking up mental illnesses I have in the DSM."

And when I do think about kissing while I'm actually kissing it mostly goes like this "OMG! Seriously! Are we not done this yet?! You want to keep doing it?? Really? You are going to make my lips chappy. Then who's going to kiss me? You. You will. I will make you, because it's your fault that I now have chappy lips."

And what if your lips are opposite sizes? I worry about this a lot, because I have abnormally large lips. They aren't 'pouty' or 'full' they are 'giant'. I can't wear lip gloss because I look like a clown. If my lips wore jeans they would definitely be wearing plus sizes. If someone punched me in the mouth they wouldn't call the resulting swell "fat lip" they would call it "morbidly obese lip"

So chances are when I kiss people who do not also have 'giant' lips, feel like they are drowning when I kiss them. Wicked.

Anyway, now that I've written that all down I can clearly see why I do not have a boyfriend.

And I'll be honest, I'm 90-100% sure I'm a bad kisser. I suppose if I really wanted to know I could ask someone I've kissed. But they'll probably say "Duh-doy! Obviously you're a good kisser. Nobody kisses like you do, my friend. You are one of a kind. I absolutely do not hate it at all, in the least, even a little bit.."


  1. Anonymous20.2.12

    In typical style u over analyze everything...good 1 china doll

  2. Anonymous20.2.12

    People are much more willing to trash you behind your back. Therefore I will investigate, and let you know the results.

  3. I'm dying. You've killed me and I'm dying now. from the lulz.

    In Serious Mode: I find nothing appealing about french kissing (and why is it called French kissing? Who arbitrarily decided that? I want answers!) and I have never found myself so distracted by a person kissing me that I was able to turn my brain off and just focus on that. So if there's something wrong with you, I've got it too.

    Back to laughing though, this post was hilarious and was literally rolling around on my bed laughing. Unfortunately it was at your misfortune, but sometimes thems the dice.
    Love you darling

    ps: YOU ARE NOT FAT. I will remind you every day if needed until you believe me.

  4. Anonymous20.2.12

    I think this is one of your best blogsies ever! In the funny category. There were definitely parts I can relate to :P I will also repeat miss M in saying you are not fat. Prettiest little lady there is. I love you! Keep bliggity blogging away. <3

  5. XD So funny.
    But I think that if you feel this way about kissing right now, it's probably because you haven't kissed someone you really want to kiss. Because believe me it is way different when you are kissing someone you like. Kissing is one of the easiest ways to show your affection for someone. Your mind is way too busy to think about other things. Did you know making out burns calories? So kissing is actually really healthy for you.
    But yeah nacho kisses aren't very seductive. :/ lol

  6. Anonymous25.2.12

    Kissing builds up your immune system by exposing you to lots of different germs so you should kiss lots to stay healthy! Bill

  7. Anonymous9.4.12

    Your lips are amazing! Don't let society bring you down! Stick it to the man!!

