Monday, January 30, 2012

#Sober January - The Conclusion

I just wanna say thank you to everyone who supported me through sober January.

I'm aware there are 2 more days in sober January, but it's Monday and Tuesday. I'm pretty much done.

Let me tell you some of the things I've done instead of getting sloshed all month:

- went through withdrawal....haaaaaaaaaaa kidding.
- painted pottery
- showed up to church...not hungover
- got a gym membership
- worked out....twice
- only lost fat on my boobs when I worked out
- talked about working out more
- finished all my homework on time
- went out dancing [not as much fun sober, I'll be honest]
- went out for wings.....and iced tea
- dealt with my grief
- watched a buttload of movies
- watched another buttload of documentaries...and learned lots!
- bought myself the converse shoes I've been wanting for EVER
- bought myself a lot of things I can't afford actually...
- Just kidding. I can afford the things I bought!
- mostly..
- started using the term 'ghetto fabulous'
- learned about babies and pregnancy
- went on dates with hot guys...who turned out to be hot dad's with a touch of crazy
- discovered new delicious [non-alcoholic] drinks!
- showed up to class on time every day one week! [Almost, I was like 2 minutes late one day....but I don't think I've been on time every day since first year. I'm getting there!]
- posted on my nursey blog [don't click that link if you have man parts, I'm warning you...]
- ate a lot of McDonald's.....more than one should ever consume in a month....
- was stalked by my ex-boyfriend's best friend
- shot a bow and arrow
- drank a lot of tea
- went bowling
- ate Zeller's lunch
- watched the entire first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- cuddled babies
- finished a crossword with my laaaaaaaaadies [literally the first time I have ever finished a crossword]
- ate healthy! When I wasn't eating McDonald's....
- skyped with my Mom
- met a guy who looks like Steve Aoki
- organized my entire semester
- went for Chinese breakfast with my fam!
- had lunches with my Sister Wife
- saw some of my bestest best friends!
- had my faith in medicine reinstated
- worked....kinda

Other than all that.....I just sat at home and didn't have a life. I know. I'm super exciting.

And it actually took me like a hundred million hours to come up with that list.

Moral of the story - Alcohol in moderation makes for a good life. 

1 comment:

  1. HAHA I just came across this, and in the end I totally agree. Alcohol in moderation (and once in a while, a little over the top..) makes for a good life! haha Thanks for posting, this was a good read!
