Friday, May 31, 2013

#Fears vs. Dreams Part 2: DREAM

Dream [4. noun - A cherished hope, ambition, aspiration]

Dream - To inspire the hurting

So yesterday....was pretty depressing hey?

Sometimes that happens. Sometimes I'm depressing. Less now than before! But if I kept all my depressing inside all the time I would turn into an angsty teenager again. And nobody wants that. Just ask my mother.

Also - for those of you who don't know the back story of fears vs. dreams here is a very brief description.

But today will be more uplifting hopefully. Yesterday was my biggest fear. Today is my greatest dream.

How do you define your biggest dream? Is it career related? Is it personal? Is it to have a cookie cutter house with a white picket fence and a dog and a minivan filled with little sticky hands? Or is it to see everything God put on this earth? Is it your dream to open a bakery? World peace? Master a cartwheel? How can you pick out of all of your ambitions and choose ONE thing that is most important to you in this life?

My dream is simple. And yet complex.

Because I am nerdy, let's define inspire before we delve into my dream.

Inspire [1. verb - to fill with animating, quickening, or exalting influence]

Remember how I told you before that I'm super conceited? I think that probably has a role in this dream.

You have to be mighty cocky to think that your life can inspire others.

I told you yesterday that I don't think I'm perfect. In any way. I actually am aware of how far from it I am.

For instance, if I was perfect I would probably spend my whole life doing productive things like studying for my registration exam and not writing blog posts and eating entire bags of peanut butter m&ms.

I would also probably drink only water instead of sparkling grapefruit, and lattes and would give thanks every day for the things I have that not everyone else does. Like blankets and brooms and  balls.....eyeballs.

As I'm sure almost everyone knows, my Daddy passed away a little over 2 years ago. And my journey to this point in my life since then has been a struggle, to say the least.

But I've made it. Through some pretty dark days, and darker thoughts I've made it.

I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with people who are in the exact same situation I was in just over 2 years ago. I get to take on a role in their story.

I also am blessed every day that someone divulges their life experiences to me.

Pain is pain. Everyone has experienced it in some form.

My dream is to be a beacon of hope to those people experiencing pain right now.

They don't necessarily have to know the intimate details of my story. They don't even really need to know that I have experienced the pain that I have.

But I want to be such an example of joy that people can't help but know there are better days to come. That the pain and fear and anxiety are temporary. And there is so much happiness to look forward to in the future.

And I know lots of you won't like hearing this - but my joy comes from my God. And my joy is a reflection of how beautiful Our relationship is.

That's my greatest dream. To inspire hope for a better day to those who are struggling today.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. I think everyone should try to be inspiring, that's a good dream to have.
