Sunday, February 20, 2011

#My mom is a champ

My mom is my best friend.

She is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. She's funny and cute and kind. And she looks JUST like me. Except old. (just kidding Mommy!)

As I'm writing this we are laying in bed watching TV and on separate computers, kind of talking, but mostly just enjoying each other's company quietly. Except now that I look over she is sleeping...and long has that been going on??

My mother is my role model. She constantly makes me laugh, and has passed on her cute sense of humor to me. We get along grandly (minus the bickering that happens every once in a while), and she always knows what is going to happen before it happens. My mom is the reason our family is so close with each other, and so close with God. She's taught us all values and beliefs that make us the good Christian kids that we are. 

She also says some of the most ridiculous stuff, my favorite is when she repeats what I say exactly. This is how it used to go

Mariah: "Oh my goodness! This is SOOOO funny!"
Mom: "This is SOOOO funny!"
Mariah: "Is there an echo in here?"

But with constant and ruthless teasing from me and my siblings my mom has learned her flawed ways and today it went like this:

Mariah: "It's so busy now! It's a good thing we came out to eat early!"
Mom: "It's a good just said that didn't you?"

Oh mother, mother. A couple of other good quotes from this past week

(in reference to my mission trip to Belarus)
Mom: "Belarus? Where in Africa is that??"

Mariah: "Mom I'm lonely when you're not home."
Mom: "Be careful! It's when you're lonely that you start dating those...mongrels"

Mom: "Rye, what's emesis?"
Mariah: "Vomit, why?"
Mom: "I know that!" 
Mariah: "Then why did you ask?"
Mom: ".....I didn't know that :)"

I aspire to be like this woman!