Sunday, February 27, 2011

#I'm Forgivin'

My heart has been heavy as of late.
I've been thinking lots about my life, and how it's come to this point. And I've been feeling a lot of resentment towards certain people.
Which made me mad at myself.

Don't get me wrong...I don't try not to hold grudges.
Because once I saw a movie called "The Grudge" and it was scary.
THAT was a lie and a half. I never saw that movie, I don't think. And if I did it didn't have enough of an effect for me to remember it. AND I like scary movies. Who'da thunk it.

But anyways, back to the not so scary topic of the day:

I'm currently in the process of forgiving. Jesus forgave me, I forgive you kinda deal. I like to live like Jesus. He seemed like a decent the ultimate guy.

So to everyone who has ever done me wrong in any way shape or form,
whether it was the words: spoken, whispered, yelled, unsaid - to my face, behind my back or not at all.
or the actions: rude, insulting, betraying, against - directly or indirectly, purposeful or accidental.
whatever it is that you have done, and are going to do, I forgive you.

And in return I'm asking you to forgive me.
For the words: spoken, whispered, yelled, unsaid - to your face, behind your back or not at all.
or the actions: rude, insulting, betraying, against - directly or indirectly, purposeful or accidental.
For what I have done, and what I am going to do, please forgive me.

I won't ever be the nicest person, I won't ever be free from doing wrong. But I can promise you this: I will try my very hardest to become a better person. I won't be such a rude-judgey-mean person. I strive to be the person you want to be around. But I need you to forgive me for what I've done to you in the past.
The world would be a beautiful place if no grudges were held, and no anger was kept <3

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous28.2.11

    I can't remember what I wanted to say now that I can comment! I loves youu! and I also need to work on forgiving people.. I think it makes my heart feel lighter. OK maybe I know that it does.
