Monday, December 12, 2011

#Colder Weather

Winter is my favourite.

Kind of.

Well....right after summer....and spring....and autumn.

I know what you're thinking. "Um. Rye. That means winter is your least favourite."

No. No it does not, good reader. It just means that winter is my fourth favourite season.

I still love it. Just not quite as much as the others. But that does not mean I don't love it. Because I do. I'll tell you why.

I love the snow....when it's still white and pretty. Not when it's brown and slushy.

I love's my favourite date ever. There's something so supremely cute about holding hands and skating. And drinking tea. And having cold noses, and hot kisses.

I love the lights....the Christmas lights up all around the city. Making otherwise bland cookie cutter suburban houses sparkly and glittery and pretty. Setting the one apartment balcony apart from the rest. Brightening up an otherwise dark city.

And with that I love zoo lights....even though they're the same every year. I just love them so much. Too much, even.

I love mittens....especially when they're animals. I have elephant and shark mittens. My elephants are married and they kiss at red lights. My sharks are best friends and do not kiss at red lights. They just munch on my steering wheel.

I love boots....and shuffling my feet when I'm in boots. And having toasty toesies! I also love fuzzy socks inside my boots. Except I get sweaty very very hot toesies when I have fuzzy socks AND boots on.

I love fireplaces....and the smell and heat and look of fireplaces. I could stare into the fireplace for hours.

I love Christmas....because God loved us all so much that He came to earth so that we could know Him as a person and have a real relationship with Him. He humbled Himself in the ultimate way, and for that I am forever thankful.

I love Christmas music....and Christmas movies, and Christmas decorations, and Christmas trees. And pretty much just Christmas. This could have gone under the last one.

I love turkey dinners....this is the last one not the last one about Christmas....I will give you a bit of a break though!

I love tea....I love tea always. Like every single night of the year. But especially in the winter because it warms my belly from the inside out. Big thanks to my Auntie for giving me delicious Holiday Tea last week. It is the epitome of winter tea.

I love hockey....just kidding.

I love ugly sweaters....for real though. They're the best. And they're warm! Who cares if they're ugly, seriously.

I love drink my tea out of. Once again, I love this one all the time, but I especially love it in the winter.

I love layering clothes....cause it hide everything I want to hide, and it always makes me feel pretty!

I love New Years....and the chance to start something new. And set myself up for failure by setting resolutions I know I could never keep. Maybe I'll rethink that this year..

I love having a break from school....because even though I love school it stresses me out. And everyone can use a break sometimes.

I love hot dates....on cold days

I love making snow angels....and snow men. And snow forts. And snow balls. Then throwing those snowballs at people and hiding behind my snow fort and letting my snow men and snow angels keep guard.

I love watching snow storms outside....but only if I'm at home and I don't have to go anywhere.

I love television holiday specials.... mostly Community. Pure. Gold.

I love going on outdoor winter adventures....and I really wanna go to the ice caves in Kananaskis. Someone please go on this adventure with me! Like, now.

I love sunny days....and the way the sunshine and brightness contrasts the cold biting air.

I love volunteering....and making someone's day brighter and warmer. Directly or indirectly.

I love winter colours....White and blue and silver and grey. They just always look so good!

I love quality time with family....immediate and extended. Because my family makes me who I am.

I love naked trees....snow kissed naked trees. 

I love red Starbucks cups....because that's when you know it's really winter (ps. has anyone else noticed how coffee has transitioned from being a beverage to an accessory? I'm not cool because I don't really drink coffee)

I love work Christmas parties....especially if there is an open bar.

I love my brother and sister....who were both born in the winter. December to be exact. 5 days short of a year apart.

I love's just soqw,,,,,,,,............................rrrrrrrrrrttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt<------Thank you Kinjo, for your input on my blog post.

Take Two.

I love's just so peaceful and sweet. I love how clean everything looks right after it snows. And I love the way everything just hides under a blanket while it's still chilly, only to come out new and refreshed in the spring. So that's why I love winter, my fourth favourite season. Sigh.

However I do not love driving, or freezing, or static-y hair. Also, Valentine's Day. I know I sound like a bitter single, but I've always thought it was stupid, even when I had a boyfriend to share it with. But look at how much stuff I do love!! There's no way I can't look on the bright side for the 10 month winter that's just settling in now :)

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