Tuesday, January 10, 2012

#Once in a while

Sometimes you crawl into bed at 10:30PM and are super proud of everything you have accomplished during the day, and are excited for a good night's rest.

Sometimes you watch power rangers on netflix from 10:30 until 11:00 when you finally fall asleep.

Sometimes you accidentally wake up at 2:30 in the morning because you had a bad dream.

Sometimes when you wake up at 2:30 in the morning you get up to pee because you think maybe if you relieve your bladder you will be able to sleep.

Sometimes when you're up to pee at 2:30 in the morning you turn on the bathroom light because you would fall on your face if you didn't.

Sometimes you get back into bed after your 2:30 AM pee and regret every decision you made up until that point because now you are wide awake.

Sometimes after you are wide awake from your 2:30 AM pee you send messages to all the people who messaged you while you were sleeping.

Sometimes after you message people at 2:30 in the morning you get bored of waiting for a response so you start watching more power rangers on netflix.

Sometimes after 4 episodes of power rangers you realize you are literally watching the exact same story line over and over and decide to watch a movie.

Sometimes while browsing for movie you come across a different TV show called life unexpected and decide to try it out.

Sometimes after watching 3 episodes of life unexpected - which turned out to be a terrible show with lots of good looking people - your alarm goes off and angrily tells you it's time to get up for school.

Sometimes after getting up and getting ready for school you look out the window and see a fresh blanket of snow on the ground and think "Teehee! Winter's here!"

Sometimes after getting in your car to go to school you drive for half an hour just to make it 3 block from your house.

Sometimes you just have to say "Screw this day" turn around, go home, nap, drink tea, eat grilled cheese, and do some 'independent reading'.

Today just happened to be one of those days.

Jan 10:Day 10 - my day was just described up there. In my blog post. Right there! #soberjanuary #obivouslyobvious

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10.1.12

    I'm amazed how many things you managed to fit in at 230AM this morning before the clock changed. holy man!
