Thursday, September 29, 2011

#100 things you may or may not have known about Riah. Part 2

Ready for part 2? I know you've been stoked for it. Also, stop texting me and leaving me comments about what should go on my list. I already made it. I know what's on it. I'm not changing it. Plus most of what you've told me is on it already anyway. LOVE x

29. I love my toms. All of my pairs. I don't even remember how many I have now.

30. I am not good at playing words with friends. I start games, play 7 moves, then forget about them. If you want to improve your win:lose ratio you should really start a game with me.

31. Jeans are my nemeses. Sweatpants are my saviours.

32. I am actually sitting in class while I'm writing this list.

33. This is a super boring class. Theory blows.

34. I do not like chocolate. No, that does not mean I am not a girl, it means I do not like chocolate. My taste in food has nothing to do with my anatomical features. Thank you.

35. That being said, when I am sad I drown myself in every other type of unhealthy food imaginable.

36. I have a hard time saying 'no' and usually just end up overwhelmed and crying in my room about how much stuff I have to do. It's a healthy coping mechanism I think..

37. I have a gold star right beside the power button on my laptop. It's from K. It makes me feel like I have accomplished something even though as soon as I open my computer that is the opposite of what really happens.

38. I speak roughly 20 words of Russian. If I am ever lost in Russia I can say 'hello' 'please' 'thank you' 'you're welcome' 'ice cream' 'good morning' 'yes' 'no' 'yes sir' 'beautiful smile' 'milk' and 'nose'. That is only 12. Maybe I over shot my Russian speaking abilities.

39. Before I was a power ranger I was a sailor scout. Sailor Mars to be exact. I was such a kick ass kid!!

40. I have performed a broom dance approximately once in my lifetime.

41. I am old.

42. In kindergarden I wanted to be a tiger when I grew up.

43. I am not ashamed about wanting to be a tiger when I grew up. I am ashamed I never followed through with that dream.

44. Philosophy is not my forte.

45. I don't really care if they label me a Jesus freak.

46. I have a bit of a compulsion for buying pretty things.

47. I have a top 25 before 25 list. I am considering posting it on this very blog.

48. I like to pull on push doors. Then yell at people who try to open those doors and tell them that they are broken. Then the door works and I feel like a fool. At least once a day.

49. I just got a twitter account. It is a secret because I don't want to admit I gave in and got a twitter..

50. I am halfway through this list and so are you. Congrats! Go get a cookie and strap in for part 2. Also, I love to eat cheese. That is random fact number 50.

51. Tea is my unhealthy/healthy obsession. It is unhealthy how much I obsess over it, but healthy because it is tea and not cocaine. I already told you I like tea with my ice cream but I did not tell you how much I love tea just for being such a sweetea.

52. Sometimes I mix up my dreams with real life. And sometimes I think I said things out loud when I really said them in my head.

53. I often say song lyrics in every day life. They usually don't make sense, but as long as you act like they should have been in the conversation people don't really question you.

54. I have a beautiful wife. Some call her Liz. I call her wifey. Ray Charles calls her Kixy. She's pretty much the best wifey I could ever ask for. We got married 5 years ago and are living happily ever after. The end.

55. I do not let my bum touch public toilet seats.

56. My favourite thing to do instead of write papers is write stupid blog posts and creep Facebook.

57. I just creeped your Facebook. Yeah, you. I know this because I have 559 friends on my Facebook (minus the 4 I just deleted because I forgot where I knew them from) and they all just got a creepin'.

58. I am a master procrastinator. Bishop Carroll ruined my life.

59. I love meeting new people and forcing my sunshineyness and friendship and love on them. They do not always appreciate that.

60. I am terrible at keeping Skype dates.

61. I have many alter egos including but not limited to - Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Hansen, Sheniquoa, Ching Mong, Runswithwolves - the tomahawk warrior, and Ron Weasley's hair.

62. It is physically impossible for me to stay awake during a movie.

63. I am a closet country music lover. And by closet I mean everyone knows it.

64. I hate when people pet my face. That is not cute. I am not a kitten. Do not pet my face.

65. I check the backseat of my car when I get in it. Because I'm scared someone will be back there. Not because I'm scared of being killed like a normal person. But because I'm scared that guy will hear me talking to myself. That happens lots.

66. I have a slight case of Bieber Fever.

67. Once in a while I forget to shave my legs. And by forget I mean remember.

68. I have an addiction to my blog. Which means I'm addicted to myself I think. That is very wrong.

69. I love sharks always and all ways.

70. Pandas too. I love pandas always and all ways. I can't decide which I love more.

71. I put 30 seconds of thought into my appearance before I leave my house in the morning. This is a significant improvement from the 6 seconds in my first 2 years of university.

72. I like ending lists with strange numbers.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous29.9.11

    You were not Sailor Mars. I was Sailor Mars.
