Thursday, July 28, 2011

#For The Birds

So this is going to come as a shock to most of you.

Because I don't normally do things like this.

But I've started running.

Yeah. I know.

And it's not like normally where I run until I feel a little bit winded and stop. Then I brag for weeks that I went for a run.

Nope. It's really not like that.

It's actually along the lines of for really real running.

Well, jogging.

With some walking in between.

But I've gone 3 times this week! I know! It's only Thursday! Twice with my sister wife and once with my football player brother! (Also, thinking you can keep up with football brother and live to tell the tale is a very grandiose delusion. Very grandiose, indeed....)

Anyway, I just wanted someone else to be proud of me for actually trying to do this. Because it's super lame to be the only one proud of yourself. (Well, I think my mom is proud too, but she has to be. It's her obligation as woman who gave birth to me.) Also, check back later tonight, or early tomorrow! I'm going to have a pretty awesome post up about my trip!


  1. Anonymous28.7.11

    I'm so proud of you Rye! Running is super hard and I'm very jealous. As someone who's a heavy... Unless I strap down running turns from a workout into dodging bouncing objects that seem determined to smack you in the face. off topic\
    Good for you!

  2. Anonymous29.7.11

    I like this picture!!
