Monday, July 25, 2011

#She's That Kind Of Beautiful

Did you know that you're beautiful?

You. Yeah, you! Look in a mirror. You're beautiful.

Believe it. Because you are.

And don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

Don't let people get you down.

Only listen to the ones who build you up.

I don't care what he said or she said or they said or your dog said.

I don't care if you're having a fat day, if you're skin is breaking out, if you're hair won't do what you want it to.

I know that you have your own special qualities, talents, endowments, and attributes that make you who you are. That make you beautiful.

So I don't care what anybody else, including you, says.





  1. Anonymous25.7.11

    China. Doll.
    this post should not be limited to just girls...jerk
