Thursday, July 14, 2011

#Dear Sunshine - Belarus Part 3

 Dear Sunshine,

I love you a lot. You make my days brighter. I love your big, gassy, shiny, warm, starry self. You illuminate my world.

I was a little bit discouraged when you didn't come hang out in Minsk with me. I thought maybe you got lost or something, or maybe you didn't know where Belarus was on a map. I was missing you lots when I was being rained on by clouds and thunder and darkness.

I missed your warmth. The way you could make everything look prettier. The way colors were brighter and heat was projected. I couldn't believe you had left me stranded in a foreign place.

Then I looked around me. And I saw you in the faces and smiles of the people surrounding my existence. I felt your luminous presence breathing life into me through kind words and acts of kindness. I realized that I didn't need to miss you, that you were there, illuminating the pathway to my new life and renewed faith.

Thank you for showing yourself to me in the form of joy and love lustrously glowing from the eyes of young adults.Thank you for giving me a new definition and awareness of sunshine. And most of all thank you for guiding me through my pain and weakness by shining through the hearts of others.

Rye xox


  1. Ah, precious girl, you are 'Son-shine' to me. I love you!!

  2. Anonymous14.7.11

    dear ryepie,
    i love readin ur stuff i love the way u write i miss u it sounds like u had lots of fun. keep posting i've been bored without ur stuff.
