Saturday, July 16, 2011

#Dear Moscow - Belarus Part 5

Dear Moscow,

Maybe I was too hard on you before. Maybe you aren't that bad. My second impression of you was significantly better than my first.

Because first you were super rude. You locked me in a cold dungeon-y room, with only cold chairs where I sat bored and cold for 7 hours. It's a good thing I had a blanket to foil your chilly plans! Mwahahaha! I took a nap on your cold hard uncomfortable metal chairs and I will have you know it passed the time quite nicely.

Then you told me not to come back without getting a visa. Who do you think you are? The visa police? Well good sir, I have news for you. There is no such thing as the visa police. I just made that up right now.

So I spent 2 weeks in Belarus and I didn't have my passport one of those weeks because I had to send it away to get your
Then I got that visa. Then I came back.

You were not such a grump this time. You actually let me through! You let me check my bags and walk around the airport. You fed me food that was fairly mediocre and gave me lots of signs to practice reading Russian in. Most of the people didn't smile. Except the guy who did when I said thank you in Russian. I think he knew I was not a native speaker. I really think he was just smiling to hold in his laughter at how ridiculous I sounded.

But apparently you are too busy checking for innocent people's visas, who are Canadian citizens that just want to use your airport to sit in for a few hours before departing to another country, to install air conditioning. Because I was boiling hot in that place. Like I had a sweaty back kind of hot. And I am never hot. I wanted to go back to your cold room with metal chairs from the first time! Man, you need to get your utilities in order!

My final verdict on you Moscow: Friends off. Sorry, you bring nothing to this relationship.

Mariah (I'll be formal in this one. Because we aren't friends, you see.)

1 comment:

  1. I concur...friends off, Moscow...I think, forever. But God has a way of calling me out when I say things like that. <3
