Friday, November 4, 2011

#Open Mic Night

Have you ever been to an open mic night?

Yes? No?

Cause it's pretty much an amazing experience all around.

I haven't been to one in a while. And I forgot how much I absolutely love it.

It makes me feel weirdly poetic. Or something.

Sitting in a room full of people, all wanting to be heard, all willing to listen. A room full of acceptance, a room without judgement.

Just sitting there, legs crossed, defences up, outside my comfort zone. Knowing one person in a place filled with unfamiliar bodies. A decision to push myself. It was the best decision I've made in a long time. I could feel the worries and anxieties of my life melting away with the warm fruit tinged tea sliding down my throat. The decisions that loom in my near future were put on a back burner to a few hours of ease and music.

Feeling the guitars, the vocals, the keyboards pulsing through the air, the floor, the walls and seeping into and around my body in a warm blanket of pure happiness. Smiling at strangers and making new friends. Seeing a whole new side of people, and society.

Genuinely loving to watch the people genuinely loving to play. Enjoying the gifts given to others by God to give the world. It's something I could do all day everyday.

And what I love the most is the atmosphere. The way everyone is brought together by the supernatural tie of melodies. The low murmur of voices as people quietly socialize and appreciate the music. The intensity on the musician's faces as they get lost in a sea of notes and chords. The smiling barista's, the lively hosts, the buzz of an excited audience. It all gets my heart pumping and blood rushing.

It's a little piece of heaven.

It's why I'm going to go every week. And that's why you should come to open mic nights on Thursday evenings at The House with me.


  1. RyGuy4.11.11

    I miss open mic nights :( take me ryepie?

  2. Duh! Get better first, and we'll go to all the open mic nights you could evaaaa imagine!

  3. Anonymous6.11.11

    I'm in!
