Tuesday, November 1, 2011

#You have stolen my heart

To the boy who holds my heart,

I'm sorry you're going through this. I'm sorry you have to lay in a hospital bed. I'm sorry you don't have your old life. But I'm so thankful for you and your strength. I'm so thankful for the friendship you've given me. I'm so thankful that you are who you are, and I love you for being that person.

I have so much faith that you are going to overcome this. You are such an inspiration to me. Listening to the way you talk, and the way you can laugh through anything makes me believe that there's hope. You are restoring my faith in the medicine I've come to doubt. You are rebuilding me and you don't even know it.

Stay strong. Know that you have the support of many. Know that my prayers and my thoughts and my heart is with you. And never trust a fart on chemo.


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