Monday, August 22, 2011

#No Offense..

*just a heads up this post might be super offensive despite the title. Don't read it if you're easily offended. Or if you're going to judge me. Or if you're going to complain about it later.

Sometimes I swear.

Sometimes it's on purpose, sometimes it's an accident.

I don't swear like a sailor, but I swear more than I should.

Except I don't really believe in the whole concept of swearing.

Like, who decided that this one particular word is so bad.

That when people hear it they cringe. Mother's cover their children's ears. People scoff at the vulgarity. The elderly gasp in astonishment.

A four letter word starting with F and ending with uck.

It literally means nothing to me. Nothing at all. I hear people say it, whisper it, yell it, cry it every day. And if you aren't saying it I know you're thinking it at some point in your head.

Know what I have to say to that?

Who gives a fuck?

You know what word really offends me? That has a meaning in my life? That isn't just some four letter word that someone somewhere decided was "a swear"


I promise that word has some kind of meaning in your life too.

Maybe it's something you or someone you know overcame. Maybe it's not. Maybe it has robbed you from something you deserve.

No matter how you dress it up it's an ugly word. Something nobody ever wants to hear.

Jack Layton died at age 61 from cancer today and in his last letter to Canadians he said:

"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world."

I am so sorry this is happening to you. I can't think of anyone who would deserve it less than you. You are so sweet and caring and funny. But I know beyond that you're strong. You can overcome this. This is not a death sentence. You can do this. God is bigger than this. You have so many people standing by you. I have so much faith that you will be okay.

Every day I've had you in my life has been a blessing, and I expect there to be many years to come.

I will pray for you.

And I love you.