Tuesday, August 23, 2011

#Pop and Lock It

So I've been super stressed lately. 

It's been a pretty stressful life.

And I woke up today feeling like saggy old man balls.


In less than 2 weeks I will be old. Like SO old. Twenties is older than anyone should ever have to be.

I called in sick to work, because work does not need saggy old man balls there today.

I would be sitting at my desk doing nothing and infecting people with my ballsness.

Then I walked into the washroom and saw the giant zit on my face.

HELLO! If I have to be old I don't feel like I should have to have stupid adolescent problems like acne anymore.

But I do.

So I did what any normal disgusting person would do.

I popped it. 

And oh man, was that ever therapeutic.

And my day has been getting better since! I got myself a jugo juice. I got myself addicted to Jersey Shore. I ate peanut m&m's. And I skyped with my bestie and took our friendship to a whole new level.

Moral of the story - popping zits is the solution to all of your life's problems.

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