Monday, September 26, 2011

#Same Old Story

So apparently nothing has changed.

I am still an awesome procrastinator. 

Balls. This was not part of the plan for this year.

Because I am already SO behind in everything.

And I spent my weekend doing NOTHING instead of homework.

Actually what I spent my weekend doing was


Even now! I'm blogging about how much I hate my life instead of doing homework!

Here is what my weekend should have looked like

-reading textbooks
-writing take home finals
-writing papers
-starting online class homework
-reading more textbooks

So instead that's what my monday/tuesday/wednesday/thursday/friday look like. Don't even ask to hang out. It's not going to happen.

It doesn't mean I don't love you, it just means you need to find friends who are not diseased with the puttingthingsoff gene. 

Why was I excited about school again?

PS - I actually do love school for really realz, but I am not happy about my lack of social life the next 2 weeks. I need love and attention, and my textbooks are not very good at that kind of stuff..


  1. Yep, basically. I'm not in school currently but this applies to all life. Me at work is = internet!blog!internet!etc! and then at the end of the day I remember all the stuff I should've been doing.



  2. Anonymous26.9.11

    All I did was work this weekend. Every time I thought about doing that take home exam it went something like this:
    Me: I should totally get going on this take home exam. I mean, all I need is this text book and the internet. Oooh internet! I wonder if I won my auction on Ebay yet? Whats that tumblr? Someone updated their page? I need to check all of them!

    and so on. ugh, completely unmotivated to do work
