Monday, September 5, 2011

#Bleeding Blue

This weekend I went to my first football game of the season.

For my brother's football team.

The Bantam Calgary Colts.

And man oh man did I ever love it.

I forgot how much fun it is to sit in the stands, to cheer and holler and immerse yourself in the game.

To joke, and tease and laugh with the other spectators.

A familiarity sets in. You know the boys on the turf. You know the parents, siblings, girlfriends in the stands. You all come together with a common goal. To win that football game.

You see the team work on the field. The way the boys all have each other's backs. The way they celebrate together. They build each other up. They have respect for each other. They play as a team, win as a team, and lose as a team.

And up in those stands we love those boys. We get to know the boys, on the field and off the field. We cheer and we groan with them. We take pride in every block, every run, every touchdown.

These are my boys in blue. It's gonna be a rad season.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to tell you that I read your blog and think it's pretty awesome. Touching sometimes, silly, heartfelt, funny, emotional, insightful... inspiring, maybe.
    We met just once I think at Bishop Carroll. Too bad we didn't know each other better. We might have been friends.
    I'll keep reading your blog. Keep up the great work. :)

    Irenaeus G. Saintonge
