Thursday, March 24, 2011

#Always Yours

So today I was at school, just hanging out with some of the lovely people I am privileged to call friends. And the conversation veered towards money. This is what I had to say about that
"I don't believe in money" 
And the response I got was interesting
"Money is like gravity, it doesn't matter if you don't believe in it, it's still there"

Okay. So I'm not going to sit here and tell you science isn't real and gravity is fictional. Because then I would look like an idiot even more of an idiot than I already portray myself as.

But this statement is true. Just because you don't believe in something doesn't automatically make it a false reality.

The way I feel about gravity is the same way I feel about God. The same way I feel about my bed when I leave for school. The same way I feel about the love from my mother. The same way I feel about my world when I close my eyes.

I can't see Him, but there is no doubt in my mind that He is there.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous24.3.11

    Getting philosophical on me tonight Rye? I have to be honest here: usually, someone with such utter faith like you is totally annoying. You however, seem to be the exception to every rule I have; your faith is one of my favorite things about you because it makes you the person you are, the person I love so much. So I can't find a single sarcastic comment in me because you made my heart go all mushy. Gee, thanks
