Saturday, March 26, 2011

#Love is a many splendored thing

I'm too brain-farty to make a real post so you get a list of a few of the things I love:

-My family
-Butt warmers (heated seats)
-Nursing (and everything that comes with it)
-Rooibos tea
-Macaroni and Cheese
-Panda Bears
-Lunch breaks with my Daddy :)
-Dancing in my room
-Talking to my mom about mindless stuff until 4 in the morning
-Not shaving my legs
-creeping Facebook (in the "I just violated your internet privacy" type of way)
-Ice cream - duh
-The smell of fabric softener (no joke, I sniff it before I do laundry)
-Short grocery store line-ups
-Disney Movies


  1. Anonymous27.3.11

    LOL not shaving ur legs. Ur so funny!!

  2. could Jesus please be number one. kthnxbi

  3. Jessie28.3.11

    100% mariah

  4. Ummm Shelby, clearly Jesus is my number one. He knows it, I know it. I love that Guy.
