Saturday, March 12, 2011

#Let's Be Friends

It's funny how friendships work.

It is only possible for the human mind to hold up to 150 relationships at a time. Some are friends, some are family, some are acquaintances. Some are enemies. In my opinion, why would you waste one of your relationships on an enemy? What a downer.

Sometimes you know someone for years, and I mean years and years, and they are nothing more to you than an acquaintance. You share in the pleasantries, ask surface questions just to be polite but nothing more than that.

Sometimes you know someone for what seems like less than 5 minutes and you know you'll be besties foreva and eva. All of the sudden you can't imagine your life without them. There is no doubt in your mind that you guys were meant to be friends.

Sometimes you have really good friends and go through "friendship breakups" where there is a giant fight that you can't come back from, or out of no where you stop talking all together, and you both just kind of move on with your lives. 

Sometimes you just drift away from friendships, there is no official "breakup" but there is a gradual decline in the sharing of lives, and good times.

And sometimes you come across the true beauties, the ones who will stand by your side no matter what, who you can fight with and scream at and use it to make your friendship stronger. The ones you don't ever want to let go. They will hold your hand, give you hugs, and back you up no matter what. They will laugh with you, cry with you, defend you, stand up for you, tease you, and when push comes to shove they will be there for you.

It sure is funny how friendships work. 

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