Saturday, May 21, 2011

#Music to my ears

So I have a thing.

Just a little thing.

It's one of those things that can't be helped. 

Would you like to know what that thing is?


Guitar players especially.

That's my thing.

For some reason almost every guy I've ever liked has been a musician. And sometimes I don't even know that until after I start liking them. What is it about them??

I don't know. There's something completely captivating about knowing that a guy plays music. Even better when he writes his own. Because there's a very good chance that one day you'll be his inspiration. That you will be the only one in the audience, enthralled by the beauty of the sound coming from his  instrument, and that he's doing it for you. Only you. Because you're the only one there. 

Music brings people together. It's the universal language. Everyone understands it. 

Maybe I grew up on too many Disney movies where you need song to express the love you have for someone else. Maybe I live in a fantasy world thinking that there is someone out there who wants to play for me. OR maybe the guy God made for me is an extremely talented musician who will swoop in, take my heart, and love me through sweet melodies. 

sigh. My dreams will all come true the day I marry the man with the guitar.


  1. Anonymous23.5.11

    keep your heart open, God could just as easily be preparing you to learn theres more ways for a guy to express his love than thrugh music :)

  2. Anonymous24.5.11

    I agree...Maybe the man God has made for you can express his love for you just with a music needed...Romantisizing the need for music to express feelings for you will only set your heart up for disappointment if you meet the "right" guy, and he cannot sing or play the guitar...Just a thought....
