Saturday, October 15, 2011


Sooooooo funny story.

Yesterday I was bored at home and not wanting to do homework. So I decided to go to a movie!

My brother wasn't feeling well and everyone else was at work or school so I went by myself.

And I felt super liberated going to a movie by myself!

50/50. People kept telling me it's super good and funny and heartwarming. It was on early enough that I could go to work after. So I went.

So I handed my ticket to the 16 year old high school drop out who rips tickets and he looks at me and says "I'm going to need to see some ID miss." 

Um. Excuse me. This movie is 14A.

"It is 1 o clock on a Friday afternoon. I am here alone. How do you think I got here?" I said, super offendedly.

"You could have walked. Or stolen a car. ID please."

"Seriously. You're gonna make me put down all this yummers fattening food for me to pull out my ID when I am clearly older than 14."


So I struggled for 20 minutes trying to wrestle out my driver's license without spilling popcorn.

Then, when he got the satisfaction of a quarter second glance at a picture of me looking like a native man, he let me go see my movie.


Anyway, so I was sitting in this theatre, waaaayyyy at the back, in a theatre alllllll alone and excited to watch some Seth Rogen. Then another couple walked in and sat RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! There is a whole theatre! Nobody else is here!! Seriously!!!

Whatever. I got over it. So I started watching this movie. In a dark room alone. Then I found out that stupid movie was about cancer. So I spent the next hour and a half crying like a baby. Like, sobbing. Seriously the people in front of me kept turning around and I wanted to punch them in the back of the heads because they should have sat somewhere else.

So, yeah. That was my movie going experience.

Now I'm going to go eat some peanut butter before the world runs out, and head on down to occupy Calgary. Hope to see you there!!

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