Sunday, October 2, 2011

#A smile, a kiss, a sip of wine

Sometimes you get home at 1:30 in the morning and you can't help but blog because you're so smiley and happy and giggly.

And it's stupid because you spent the whole day crying.

Sometimes you get mad at God because it seems like He gives you hope, then snatches it away.

Sometimes it seems like it won't ever change. Or get better.

Sometimes you're put in situations where it seems He will work in your heart and instead He just breaks it.

Then, sometimes, something happens that blows your mind.

Sometimes you feel your complete sense of loss, but at the same time feel you're angel smiling down on you.

Sometimes God drags you into situations that you think are going to be stupid and annoying and pointless.

And He smacks you across the face for being so self-righteous.

He knows what you need. At all times.

And even if nothing comes from this, I needed it tonight.

Sometimes all it takes is a smile, a kiss, and a sip of wine to change your perspective.

And sometimes, something happens to make you realize that the change has to start with you.

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