Wednesday, October 26, 2011

#Color Wonder

I love to colour.

More than the average person, I suspect.

Well, the average person with an age that has 2 digits, anyway.

I just love it.

I could colour my life away.

Because colours are like music to my eyes. It never ceases to amaze me how much satisfaction I feel when I colour a picture really pretty.

Sometimes I wonder if that's how God feel's when He finishes one of His masterpieces.

Sometimes I also wonder if God threw me together and looked at me sideways then said "Well, that'll do."

Because sometimes I do that with pictures I colour.

Just kidding. About the God part.

Green is my favourite colour. When I think of green I think of life.

Pink is my second favourite colour. When I think of pink I think "Yeah, I know it's a chick colour. And I'm a chick so OBVIOUSLY I would like it. Duh. Stop judging me. Maybe you should worry about your own favourite colours rather than my second favourite colour, thank you very much."

Then blue. Like the sky, and the ocean, and bubblegum ice cream. Which is actually pretty nasty, but whatever.

Then white. Which is NOT the absence of colour. Black is the absence of colour. In my humble opinion, anyway. Which means white is the opposite of that, meaning white is EVERY COLOUR! Yep. Think about that for a second or two.

On the topic of black have you ever checked out blackle? It's like google but black! And it saves energy because it's NO COLOUR instead of EVERY COLOUR.

I also like yellow. It's sunshiny, and reminds me of my Asian self.

And red, because even though Asian's are yellow, red is "the" Asian colour.

Orange is pretty rad. I always tell people not to munch on me because I'm not a carrot. Carrots are orange. Orange = awesome.

Purple is probably one of my least favourite colours. I feel like it represents nothing.

I live in a purple room, by the way.

Anyway, I feel like I should finish writing that stupid long paper instead of this post. Or maybe I'll just go

*having a picture in black and white emphasizes the colour in the rest of this post I think.


  1. Anonymous26.10.11

    Ummmmm....I thought you were busy writing your paper???

  2. Anonymous26.10.11

