Tuesday, October 25, 2011

#Frog Legs

So I found this super awesome picture that is now the background to my computer.

Because sometimes life gives you situations and objects that seem to be holding you back.

But you have to roll with it, and use it to push you forward.

Basically this is a blahblahbepositiveblah post.

Boring. Awesome.

Change of pace for a second maybe?

This frog is see through and you can see it's organs!!

That is a real alive frog, people!

Eeps. Between this guy, and the teeny frogs on the reptiles episode of BBC life, froggies are fast becoming my favourite animals.

I feel like I can really relate to them.

They also look gross and slimy like me when I don't shower! And have big eyes on the side of their heads except mine a slightly more centred and Asian. And they have long sticky tongues, like me!! And they have webbed feet, which I do not, but I think it would be super cool!

Anyway, back to things that are not frogs, here's the quote and the picture I was talking about earlier. 

"If we see the exact same event from a different perspective we will see an entirely different event.

We can not control the wind.

But we CAN control our sail as it catches the wind.

Learn to set the sails of your perspective and use the winds to move your forward, forward to your goal."

Thank you picture, for making me realize this 3000 word essay is not holding me back from sleep, a social life and happiness; it is merely teaching me that I should learn my lesson about procrastination. Or that I should drop a class the second I hear the words "3000 word essay" at the beginning. Either or.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous25.10.11

    This reminded me of a dirty joke. Ask me and I'll tell you lol.
