Friday, October 21, 2011

#It's a little bit funny...

....this feeling inside.

So I have this thing where I'm super not romantic. 

I cringe at PDA, gag at love letters, and roll my eyes at romantic songs. Ask me to sit through 2 and a half hours of a romance movie and I will laugh in your face. Then fall asleep.

I just don't see the appeal.

And yet I attract romantic guys like world of warcraft attracts fat kids.

Guys who want to write me love songs, and sing them on stage, send me love letters with sappy words and update their Facebook status to tell me how they feel.

Dear God.

The thing is, most girls would love that. Most girls would absolutely be lost in the affection and love being poured down on them. But I don't like it. It's all just a little too fake to me.

To me, love isn't about showing the world how much you love that one person. It's about showing that person. And not through superficial things like words and songs.

To me, people who feel the need to tell everyone every second of every day how in love with each other they are, aren't really in love. They just want you to think they're in love. People who feel the need to grope each other in public aren't happy, they're insecure. It's like you're trying to convince the world that you're happier than you really are. And worse, the people who bombard you with sweet words ALL THE TIME are probably trying to convince YOU that they like you more than they really do.

Think about it. You wouldn't tell someone you just met "Hi. I'm a nice person."and you definitely wouldn't tell them in every day conversation like "These socks are really warm. I'm a nice person." No. You would show them you're a nice person by being a nice person. And they can come to the conclusion themselves. Unless you aren't a nice person. Then you would have to find another way to convince them that you're a nice person. So why would you feel the need to constantly reassure someone that you like them, if you could just show them?

To me, romance is knowing someone's coffee order off by heart. It's being able to tease each other and not get mad. It's silly. It's about knowing what makes that person tick, what reaction they'll have in a situation, and how to calm them down. It's wanting to tell them everything about your day. It's being goofy together. It's acceptance. It's knowing the good and the bad that goes with someone and loving them because they aren't perfect, not in spite of their flaws. It's a decision. It's knowing that person loves you without being told. It's familiarity. The spontaneity mixed in with the routine. It's knowing someone for who they really are. 
It's the everyday love.

So the next time you want to post a public status telling the world how happy you are with your significant other, stop and think about why you're doing it. And maybe just show the one you're posting about how you really feel.

ps. I don't see anything wrong with a few status updates about the hubs. Just don't clog up my news feed with things that really do not need to be shared.


  1. Anonymous21.10.11

    EXXXAAACCTLYYYYY! It's like your reading my mind sistah wife. I want to re-blog this. your a way better writer than I am!
