Monday, October 3, 2011

#When the sun shines, we shine together

Because we were the chubby girls playing at the park;

Because we paced the path to 7-11 every day;

Because we put garbage in mailboxes;

Because we could go years without talking and pick up like nothing happened;

Because we ran away from bears;

Because we can poop at each other's houses;

Because you hold my hair when I puke;

Because you make me smile no matter what;

Because you held my hand through the hardest of times;

Because you make me ugly face laugh on an every day basis;

Because you are there for me to ugly face cry to;

Because I can just make ugly faces and you still love me;

Because you're the first person I come to when I screw up;

Because you laugh at my screw-ups and respond with a casual "sh!t happens."

Because we watch disney movies, usually 4 times before we both stay awake through the whole thing;

Because you are my very best friend;

Because of all that -

I will not judge you.

I will love you.

I will support you.

I will stand by you.

I might say things you don't want to hear.

But know it's because I care about you.

I want the best for you.

I look at you and see someone so beautiful, smart, funny and worth it.

And I just want you to know that no matter where you are, who you're with, what time of day it is -

 You will always have someone who loves you and thinks the world of you.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3.10.11

    you make me smile even when were both at different schools.. lubbbs youuu
