Friday, June 17, 2011

#Baby, Don't Hurt Me


What is it about love?

Everyone craves it. To be loved by someone else is what we all strive for.

It's why we get up and try to look good in the morning. It's why we say and do the things we do. It's primitive and instinctual. This is the only thing I took out of biology in my first year of university.


Each a "need" in our minds. The former each more important than the latter. We need air to breathe. If we don't have it right away we die. We need water to survive and keep our bodies functioning. If we don't have it over a period of time we die. But what about reproduction? Is it really a need? Nope. But it's our purpose. It's the purpose of every animal. To carry on their genetics to the following generations.

So where does love fit in to this?

The female brain is wired to find a provider/protector for her and her offspring. The male brain is wired to spread his seed as far across the land as it will go. To carry on his genetics, you see. But studies are showing now that men crave the affection and love just as much as women do. It's a need that resides in all of us.

So why is it that love is so intimidating? How can I love my friends, and love my family, and have love FOR the guy that I like but I am scared to fall IN love with him?

Even LIKING a guy. It's fun! Not. Half the time I don't know what's going on in his head, and the other half the time I'm SURE he doesn't like me back. I practically float on sunshine and fluffy angel hide clouds because he said something that PROBABLY MEANS NOTHING! I'm such a girl sometimes.

It doesn't matter if I don't find love for a long long time. Jesus loves me. Always. And I love him. He's pretty much my boyfriend. And that's good enough for me. Foreva eva.

Morals of the story - love is way too complicated. I crave it and I fear it. Life would be easier without boys. Jesus loves everyone.

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