Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I started yesterday off grumbling. I did not think it would be a good day.

I had barely any sleep the last two nights.

My best friend had gone back home the night before

I was exactly two weeks away from flying across the world (thinking about it is making me sick right now. I just can't seem to get excited. What is wrong with me?)

I had to sit in an office all day. Just like every Tuesday. But I really wanted to be outside, even more than usual.

Not a good day. I was a grumpy pants Debbie Downer.

Then something magical happened. It all turned around!

I had a fabulous lunch with a fabulous lady, I was written a love story on my starbucks by one of the sweetest silliest prettiest girls I know, I took 4 minutes out of my day and read my whole wall of sunshiney happiness, I spent the afternoon texting wonderful friends, I tanned my super pale legs for 30 seconds, and then it happened. IT happened.

I was with my 3 nursies. In the same room. All of us. Together. We talked, and giggled, and teased, and listened. I honestly don't think I smiled so big in over a month. These three ladies are my world. They are the best at listening, at laughing at my jokes, at holding my hand through the hard times and celebrating the good times. And they validate me. It doesn't matter what I'm feeling, who or what I'm feeling it towards, why I'm feeling that way. They will support me. They might not agree, but they will love me anyway and tell me that it's okay I feel that way. There's no judgement, or feelings of superiority. We all have strengths, we all have weaknesses, but that's why it works so well. We balance each other out. We're so similar but SO different at the same time. And at the end of the day, no matter what happens, we're always there for each other.

That's what friendship is.


  1. Anonymous15.6.11

    Thats EXACTLY what I was thinking last night! That we have a lot in common, but we are SO DIFFERENT! Each of us has a very unique personality and together it makes for fun times <3

  2. Anonymous15.6.11

    I LOVE that you have found these three strong, beautiful ladies!!!! It fills my heart to know that you found a reason to smile again, and to laugh again. I pray that maybe, just have found a reason to hope again and believe again. I love you M, K, and O...for making My Mariah happy again. <3 <3 <3 <3

    Mama M

  3. Anonymous15.6.11

    We love you too Mama M!

    We are such different people, but together we bring out the best in each other! You three ladies always bring me down to earth, and remind me why life is worth living. Also, having you guys in the same room brings the decibal level up TO THE EXTREME. It's awesome! Love you Miss Rye
