Sunday, June 26, 2011

#The Point Of No Return

I can't back out now.

I'm going.

It doesn't matter how nervous I am.

I'm going.

I had my first glimmer of excitement today. It was quickly squashed by talking about the flight itinerary.

I'm going.

There are six other people coming with me. Six people who went from strangers to family. Six people who have loved, supported, and comforted me. Six people who are counting on me to do my part.

I'm going.

You called me to this. Please work through me to have Your will accomplished. Take this fear and anxiety from my heart. Fill the space left with Your love for me to spread to other people. Please.

I'm going.

I've been overwhelmed by the kindness of the people around me. People close to me, people not very close to me, people who know me really well, and people who only really know my name. I want to give back to the world what I've been given.

I'm going.

I have to finish shopping, washing, folding, crying, packing, prepping. Because

I'm going..


  1. Anonymous27.6.11

    You will be so glad that you did! I love you oodles! <3

  2. Anonymous27.6.11

    Heck yes you are going and we are going to love eachother via post it notes like crazy woman! We are fam, don't forget. I love you like none other and can't believe we got to this point together. Eep


    Ps. I don't know how to sign in from my phone
