Monday, April 4, 2011

#Another Week

Dear Motivation,

Please come and hang out with me. I miss you bud! Your annoying Uncle Procrastination has been visiting me frequently, and I'm getting pretty sick of his presence. He is constantly distracting me with stupid things like sleeping when I don't need to, and facebook, and youtube, and shiny things. Seriously. What a jerk. I miss the things we would get done together. You were my drive to get things done early and done well.
No joke. I miss your face.
Come back to me, I will feed you cookies and ice cream. You like that.
And when we're done doing my homework we can play some Zelda. Or Pokemon.
Or we can color. Or play with play doh.
Maybe we'll go and get a Starbucks.
Or maybe we will put worms in my brother's sandwich so we can make fun of him and say he has worms
Or we can dance around my room together while we listen to Selena Gomez. I think that's your favorite.
In all seriousness Motivation, I need you back. Mostly just for the next 3 weeks. After exams you can take the summer off.

Much love always,
The unmotivatedslackingoverwhelmeddepressedreadytobedone student.

1 comment:

  1. Motivation5.4.11

    I like cookies and Ice Cream. But which pokemon is the question.
