Monday, April 18, 2011


So you know what I hate? (Things I hate is not a very long list, just so you know. This will not be happening often)

When one of your best girlfriends gets a boyfriend. But not just any boyfriend, one that you absolutely do not approve of. Mostly because she did it to spite you of the fact that she hated him, but now likes him, and that's apparently what the 'cool kids' are doing. Not that I would really know. Seeing as how I've never been into the 'cool scene'.

Not to say that my opinion matters a whole bunch in other people's relationships, but seriously? Seriously?? 

Here's the kicker. On top of having unapproved boyfriend, you are now ignoring your REAL friends for him.'re too cool now? Because you have a boyfriend and I don't which puts us on different pages of life? Because he tells you you're pretty and that makes you think you like him? Because he's 'the one' even though a month ago you couldn't stand the thought of him? Because what? Enlighten me.

I'm just so unimpressed because it started off as "He is a creep. Ew. He likes me." and it shifted to "Hahaha look at these texts he's sending me! Be jealous of him liking me" and finally came to  "Confession time: I'm in love with him. He's glorious."

And through those stages I was like "Hahaha creeps are funny." then "Haha those texts are cute, I'm not jealous though." and finally "Ha. You don't like him for the right reasons. I think you really just like him to rub it in my face. Which = wrong reasons."

On a lighter note, also kind of involving the opposite sex, but not really; I am in love with The Fear You Won't Fall by Joshua Radin and have been listening to it on repeat for like 5 days now. Cute!

I feel like I should end this post with Jesus, because I love Jesus and He makes me not angry anymore.

Dear Jesus, please help me to open my heart to what I cannot control, and show me to love like I know You love. Also, if you could please give me patience for dealing with things like this, that would be great. And, Father, please grant everyone in this situation grace, that we could move past what is happening and become closer for it. Amen.

Much Better :) 

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