Tuesday, April 26, 2011

#Momma's Girl

My mom is super cool. I've made a post before about how much I love this woman. And it used to be #1. But then people didn't read it anymore. So here is a link. Go read it.

But today I'm writing about how strong my momma is. My Dad is very very sick. And aside from him I think this is affecting my mom the most. But she doesn't show it. At least not around me and the sibs. She has been a rock. She has been the one to hold everyone else while they cry. She is the one who has been pushing everyone to stay strong and has been setting the best example. Her faith in God is inspiring. Her faith in Dad is even more inspiring. But she's not just a strong woman. Oh no, she is so much more.

She is the household caregiver. The confidant. The one who takes the brunt end of everybody's bad day. She has been called names (oops), been yelled at, lied to, fought with, sworn at, and everything you could possibly imagine. But she still loves us. (I hate to admit, I've been the one who's done most of the above..but I'm 20 and the next one down is 13....the three youngen's have a while yet to make me look good) She is your biggest supporter, but she calls you out on your screwups. She is beautiful. She is smart. She is funny. She is just overall amazing. Thank goodness I got her genetics :)

My mom is my best friend. She still reads me bed time stories. She's the only person I want to watch phantom of the opera with (because everybody else is too cool to sing along). She is the funniest person I know. I love her even when she's grumpy. She gave everything up for me. She deserves the world.

I want to just take all her pain away from her. I want to take the sadness from her eyes. But mommy, you know I'm here for you. And I will love you always. And I will never EVER leave you alone. Don't be scared. God is here. I am here. And I love you more than anything.

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much. ~Mother Teresa


  1. Anonymous26.4.11

    I love your momma and your daddy too. You guys are all so strong and inspiring. I thank God for bringing your family into my life <3

  2. Anonymous26.4.11

    You do her proud, Mariah!!!

  3. Jessie26.4.11

    You make me cry!!
