Monday, April 25, 2011

#He Is Risen

So as Easter came and went it blew my mind how little 90% of the population really cared.

It was a chocolatelovingegghuntingturkeydinner day to everyone around me. 

And I'm not saying there is anything wrong with those days.

But what about Jesus? What about our Messiah who came to die, because He loved us? Doesn't He deserve a day? Just ONE day. A day where we can all reflect on what He did for us? On how much He loves us? How can we live in a world where this day is more about worshiping sweets and bunnies than it is about worshiping our Savior?

Anyone who reads my blog knows my family is going through a tough time right now. But because of Jesus, we will all be together again. My Daddy, my Mommy, my brother and sister's and I all have a secure destination. We should have no fear in anything that comes. We will have eternal life. In His Name. Because He died. Because He loved. Because He washed us clean of all the mistakes, the sins, the wrongdoings that we are stained with in every day life. 

I'm not afraid to advocate for God. For Jesus. If you don't like it then stop reading my blog because I'm not changing myself for you. God loves you. He loves me. He wants you to love Him. That's why He died for you.

Easter is about more than chocolate and rabbits. It's about the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior. And the saving grace of our Father. 

I love you, Dad <3 !


  1. Anonymous25.4.11

    He is risen indeed. Thank you for this blog on why Easter is such a beautiful holiday. Christmas is awesome, Jesus was born! But His birth has no real significance without His death and (most importantly) his resurrection. I'm glad to have you as a friend, I'm thankful for all the things that God teaches me through you and your family <3


  2. Anonymous27.4.11

    Jesus deserves more than just one day, I give thanks everyday for what he did for everybody.
